Recent content by Siochan

  1. S

    Cannot Receive Notifications In Whatsapp

    Many thanks Pippolone:I was happy after turning off memory optimization and getting WhatsApp Notifications without having the app opened as I have a son in USA and great for talking to him!. However I am not happy running the shop/fake ROM as you call it and wonder will it get any OTA updates...
  2. S

    Cannot Receive Notifications In Whatsapp

    Many thanks for your brilliant reply! The Forbes tip No 5 in your list worked: Become a Developer and then turn off priority or whatever optimization! What super phones these Xiaomi phones are! Well done. Obviously I do not intend to go near the Developer tool again except in a case of grave...
  3. S

    Cannot Receive Notifications In Whatsapp

    I am running MIUI Global 8.0/Stable Do you think there is a problem with that?. I am afraid to try any other version of MIUI as I am afraid it might brick my phone. Perhaps you are only referring to the skin itself? I am an old guy in my seventies but am driven mad until I...
  4. S

    Cannot Receive Notifications In Whatsapp

    All permissions and notifications on and set to switch between WiFi And WLAN. Tried reinstalling to no avail. Any help please?. Was working recently!