Recent content by solfuga

  1. S

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    Well, either what he (the mod) meant was next-next version or it wasn't true, because in 7.3.30 bug with qfp-serivce still exists. I had to disable it manually. So, let's wait for 7.4.6 and we'll see.
  2. S

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    Yes, it's InCallUI. It's basically the same before and after disabling qfp.
  3. S

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    I have already successfully disabled qfp wakelock related service. That results in decreased during-night drain to about 4-5%. However, now the biggest wakelock is caused by proximity sensor - and it's pretty significant. I have turned off preventing unblock in the pocket; it didn't help...