Recent content by sudy_freak

  1. sudy_freak

    MULTI 7.2.9

    Give permission to Whatsapp to record Audio. You can find this in Settings>Permissions.
  2. sudy_freak

    MULTI 7.2.9

    I don't have TWRP, that's the problem. If I only knew procedure to get TWRP, I will be fine. Thanks alot
  3. sudy_freak

    MULTI 7.2.9

    Hi all. Glad to know there is still people updating this. Since I upgraded from Mi3 to Galaxy S7, my knowledge of flashing Xiaomi devices is bit outdated because there are new options, new things. I bought Mi5 (3 GB/32 GB) recently, and it came with V8.1.2.0.MAAMIDI (Global Stable) which I...
  4. sudy_freak

    MULTI 5.9.10/11

    Do you you know when will be global stable published?
  5. sudy_freak

    MULTI 5.9.10/11

    Hello folks :) When you guys publish stable global version? It's already available. Thanks in advance.
  6. sudy_freak


    Ah, so. Tnx for replies. I just want stable, fast, laggless & smooth MIUI V4 (ICS), that's all ;) Shouldn't be JB. Tnx again for your job guys
  7. sudy_freak


    Ok, I knew that, but I think Samsung didn't release JB for I9000 which is supported by MIUI JB. Am I wrong?
  8. sudy_freak


    Great news:) Btw. any news about JB for Galaxy S 2 (I9100)? Or this weekly update is based on JB?
  9. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI Multi-Lang ROM 2.6.22 [ICS]

    I want download = 404! PNF
  10. sudy_freak

    Preview MIUI ROM Preview 2.6.22

    I just want WORKING LPB2K aka long press to kill. I enabled it, but not killing apps. In Task manager, they are still active. MIUI is my primar ROM, and I want have it. Not visual fixes untill /system not working like a charm:oops:
  11. sudy_freak

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.6.15 Changelog

    Sounds great :D
  12. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.15

    Don't ask questions like this! Off-topic. Can't wait to see uploads :)
  13. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]

    LOL, I'm stupid and I don't know that. Btw. I must report issues and :/ (don't know what) about Task Manager.
  14. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]

    xD Btw. 1024 MB of RAM? what the heck? :)
  15. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]
