Recent content by umiboozu

  1. umiboozu

    I want a way to unlock the bootloader

    After 8 years and 5 devices from xiaomi, I finaly give up. I go to samsung. Even if xiaomi software smell like sh*t , the make me love this brand. And now, with the hell it became to unlock, I can’t spend 10hours on it anymore. I got a life. A big thank you to
  2. umiboozu

    Unlock_hyperOS_ Global devices

    Xiaomi really want to slow, or maybe stop any unlocking for bootloader. It’s expected, they want us to endure advertising and spyware. I keep trying to unlock my MI 13T pro, but after 8 years and 5 devices. I spent 10 hours on it to find a way, and I see many stories of people waiting 2 months...
  3. umiboozu

    GPS / GNSS accuracy

    Hi, I’m using xiaomi devices for a while, and only with, thanks to them. I had MiPad4 , mi 6, 8, 10Tpro, 11Tpro..... But all the time, I got a GPS with a poor accuracy, something like 5 meters. And sometimes it goes to 20m. GPS status show me 3.9 minimum of assumed accuracy . 4 years...
  4. umiboozu


    No. If your bank app, google pay or other see that you have a rooted phone , install last magisk, and the module : universal safety net, shamiko, zygisk lsposed, add the apps wich you don’t want to be able to see in the exclusion list of magisk but don’t switch on it. If still not working...
  5. umiboozu


    NOTE for the one who got « FAILED (Write to device failed in SendBuffer() (Too many links)) » . Change the USB port and wire, and if it stay failling, try anothe computer. Intall the driver before.
  6. umiboozu

    Mi Pad 5 support ?

    we just wanted this info, and you just gave it. Thank you. Just few word without condescension was enought. But maybe if asking a simple question raise so much antipathy I don’t know what this forum is for.
  7. umiboozu

    Mi Pad 5 support ?

    We really like what devs from are doing. We are cheering what you do, and it’s for most of us, the first reason we buy xiaomi stuff. I think it’s not a surprise if some express the wish to see this very good rom to appear on a good tab. Maybe you see a kind of « insistent request »...
  8. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    Ok, I will do that. thx for the advice
  9. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    This is exactly what I’m thiking. Thank you for the advice. I hope that the Mi11 will not suffer the problem in the futur
  10. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    I try , everything is in german.... :) Taking evryone like an idiot is the begining of a community dying...
  11. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    Sorry I don’t understand. Maybe you read me wrong. I absolutly not critisizing They have nothing to do with that, and these devs are the only reason why I’m on Xiaomi. I’m just asking if someone have information about how long will Xiaomi will restrain the update, just to know If I...
  12. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.11.3

    Hi, I’m looking a post with the details explaining why the MI10T PRO is not anymore supported by xiaomi. But I don’t find a lot of details. If you can redirect me it would be cool. I just want to know if there will be an update one day. If not, I’m thinking about selling my MI10T PRO. I don’t...
  13. umiboozu

    Mi Pad 5 support ?

    yeah, they don’t like at all to be « asked » to devlop for a device. But the MIPAD 5 is not useful without I will stay on my TabS7+ , waiting for a real custom rom.
  14. umiboozu

    MIUI 12.6 21.9.22

    « said over and over»... I want to point that not all of roms users go every day in the forum. In a large part, we just come to download the rom file every 2 months. Please be a little more comprehensive when someone ask politely some basic infos. Here, it’s just to know if we should...
  15. umiboozu

    Official TWRP for Mi 9 SE

    I confirm, twrp_grus-MI9SE_3.5.A9_07-03-2021_d-bl.img work perfectly now. No problem with magisk