Recent content by wynjo

  1. W

    Advance Textures settings gone?

    Thanks for the info!
  2. W

    Advance Textures settings gone?

    I just updated my SAPPHIREN from OS2.0.6.0.VNHMIXM to OS2.0.7.0.VNHMIXM (both stable version) and saw that the advance texture toggle is gone in the "Display & Brightness". Was the feature removed in this latest update or it's just a bug? Please let me know :)). Here is a screenshot of the...
  3. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    In Philippines GCash won't open if you've enabled developer options, that's the main reason.
  4. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    Sadly I didn't did the trick, plus banking apps won't work if you enable developer options.
  5. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    I hope this gets patched in the next update, cause I have a feeling this is just a bug. Kudos
  6. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    I agree, it's not normal for 120hz to be this delayed.
  7. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    Here is the link for the screen record for reference :)) 60hz - 120hz -
  8. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    Hello, regarding with the animations on the control center and notification shade I have found out that the animations are smooth when in 60hz but slow (not like in a stuttering way) in 120hz. Any idea why?
  9. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    The animations where normal and snappy on HyperOS 1 how come it became slow on HyperOS 2?
  10. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G HyperOS 2 Notification Shade and Control Center delay animations

    I just updated my phone and I see some system elements that animate so slow, is this normal for the HyperOS 2 version or is it a bug? Like for example when swiping from the control center there is huge delay and it animates so slowly, same thing for the notification shade. I hope this gets...
  11. W

    Invalid Redmi Note 13 4G (sapphire) random freezing

    the issue happened this week, there's a time that the phone will randomly freeze and won't respond not until you force restart it. Can someone explain if this is normal?