Recent content by ZajferX

  1. ZajferX


    EDIT: OP updated in this above info you can without the name of the phone know which to download only by looking for "Xiaomi MI2-A: taurus (" there Taurus is the keyword on Xiaomi MI2-A: taurus and sgs3 (the phone i use) have "mo" beacuse of that i have learnt...
  2. ZajferX


    Tnx alot :)
  3. ZajferX


    there is something wrong with this picture :P hehe it is Done but no links yet :)
  4. ZajferX

    New Copy multiple messages in SMS thread

    ohh okok well it might so b .. i have just found out that it was possible but not working fully so .. but ok i'll wait patently ^^
  5. ZajferX

    New Copy multiple messages in SMS thread

    GTI9300 MIUI 3.5.31 BUGG REPORT!!! Heh .. i have known this sor quite some time now and not untill now i have reached my limit. first of i want to say .. I love the function that you can mark many messages in a thread (SMS) and copy the text ... but when the text gets pasted into what ever it...
  6. ZajferX


    BUGG REPORT!!! Heh .. i have known this sor quite some time now and not untill now i have reached my limit. first of i want to say .. I love the function that you can mark many messages in a thread (SMS) and copy the text ... but when the text gets pasted into what ever it get totaly...