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  1. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.29

    It does for me, try sourceforge and find 11 pro. Then click on download anyway and it works
  2. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.29

    Battery is better on this vs few weeks ago (mi 11 ultra). Still not quite as good as February but actually usable now. Hopefully can still be improved further
  3. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.29

    Yep been a long standing issue, wasn't problem before and notifications worked then too...
  4. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.22

    Thing is it was fine one update and then really bad afterwards. My app usage hasn't changed nor got any new apps. Few others finding the same
  5. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.22

    Android system has been highest battery drain for me for months now...
  6. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.22

    Battery life and standby seem a bit better initially on Mi 11 Ultra. Compass on Google maps still broken.
  7. J

    MIUI 14 23.5.22

    Mi 11 Ultra via sourceforge boots without problem
  8. J

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    Might have to manually enter the Acess Point Name details and delete the old one. Normally when this is blank and you restart phone, it'll automatically get added from phone company.
  9. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.17

    Or wait for Xiaomi to fix their software? Was fine about 2 months ago.
  10. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.17

    Yeah Android System is always top on battery drain, even whilst watching a video non stop after a full charge...
  11. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.17

    That's pretty good, the Mi 11 ultra is only getting around 4 hours if lucky - but Android System is always top drain reason! This is making me want to switch back to stable for every week it is going on...
  12. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.17

    Almost everything is perfect, ROM is very fluid and fast. Compass in Google maps still broken and battery drain is very bad. Xiaomi needs to fix these issues as they are now 5+ weeks old. Mi 11 Ultra.
  13. J

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    This has always been like this as its a xiaomi/select user curated store. don't and can't really do much about this apart from the stock themes included.
  14. J

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    Are you using a different dialer? If so make sure all the relevant permissions are enabled and no battery saver + autostart is on etc.
  15. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.10

    Battery stand by it still pretty bad on Mi 11 Ultra, sometimes around 10% lost per hour when idle screen off.
  16. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.10

    Thank goodness, I thought I was having a hardware issue with my screen. Thanks for this fix
  17. J

    MIUI 14 23.4.2

    How you finding the battery drain vs previous builds?
  18. J

    MIUI 14 23.3.20/21

    Slightly better than previous though not what it was a month or so ago
  19. J

    MIUI 14 23.3.20/21

    Mine often just goes white until a restart and isn't usable. Only started happening in past few months
  20. J

    MIUI 14 23.3.20/21

    A lot of the bugs and issues are with the China ROM which they here build from. If its an underlying MIUI issue, these devs can't do a lot.