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  1. kuzu115

    New Error 7

    Hi! I try to install your last rom in my Armani: I tried via Updater app, direct in TWRP ( and, flashed new Twrp via fastboot, redownloaded rom... Whatever I do result is error7. Can you please search what is the problem...
  2. kuzu115

    New Slovenščina- Sierra Leone

    Thanks Masva for screenshot and Ingbrzy for fix!
  3. kuzu115

    New Slovenščina- Sierra Leone

    Hi! In same devices in Settings- Additional settings- Language- Slovenščina (Slovenian) we can see Slovenščina (Sierra Leone). Official international code for Slovenija is Slovenia 386 SI / SVN and for Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 232 SL / SLE. (by Can you fix...
  4. kuzu115

    MULTI 6.11.10

    I have 2 Game boosters. First completely translated, second not. RN 2, language Slovenian.
  5. kuzu115

    MULTI 6.7.28

    There is no slovenian language on Mi2S. I translated in slovenian for all users with different phones!
  6. kuzu115

    MULTI 6.3.31

    Thank you so much for adding slovenian language!