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  1. QingYang

    [RN8] Problems with TWRP recovery

    Has anyone tested the latest "TWRP: TeamWin" for ginkgo? Is it working ?
  2. QingYang

    [RN8] Problems with TWRP recovery

    Sorry,I mean the latest Chinese version of ROM 20.12.02, not TWRP... I gave up and flashed the old version 20.11.25.
  3. QingYang

    [RN8] Problems with TWRP recovery

    Same problem . I tried fastboot to flash the latest version of recovery, but this problem still exists.
  4. QingYang

    Locked Tiffany bootloader, stucked in bootloop after flashed in edl mode

    With "9008 mode", you can bypass the bootloader even if it is locked. There are two ways to enter this mode: 1. When the mobile phone has power, insert the type-c data cable into the mobile phone, peel off the blue line and the black line, and touch it, the mobile phone will enter the "into 9008...
  5. QingYang

    The system has been destroyed Mi 5x HELP

    The phone is out of power
  6. QingYang

    New Messaging App Crashes

  7. QingYang

    Failed (remote: Dtb Not Found) In Cmd Fastboot Boot Twrp.img

    Don't match 通过我的 Mi-4c 上的 Tapatalk发言