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  1. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    Bugers, when do you plan to release sources?
  2. M

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    try xposed v78, v79 and v80 is buggy and glithy, and also use opengapps
  3. M

    Hey, I saw your like on my post and your github work. Can you tell me how to build cm with your...

    Hey, I saw your like on my post and your github work. Can you tell me how to build cm with your device tree? I was trying with various trees and build machine told me that device tree doesn't exist but find all neccesery parameteres. With Ivan AOSP all is ok
  4. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    You can use long menu press to switch to previous app, works on any ROM for me
  5. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    there is another 5.1.1 AOSP from Eleven Ocasionally found camera/torch/flashlight bug on new RC6, you just need to turn and turn off torchlight 2 or 3 times one by one and then flashlight cannot turn off
  6. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    About more custom roms, I think It can be AOSP, and sth with different settings like Dirty Unicorns, or maybe Omnirom
  7. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    on 4PDA only registred users can dowload files, to register you should enter 4 numbers which wrote on russian langualge For those who doesnt know russia i can only suggest to try recognise captcha with google translate
  8. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    playstore worked on RC5 with microg but without signature spoofing, i checked youtube doesnt works
  9. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    i thnk and trust we can see differences on the first boot
  10. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    yes it supports, but roms on 5.x and higher format it by themself to ext4, there is a choice to build roms in usual zip without but with system folder inside archive
  11. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    f2fs is support by twrp, and the system became much more faster and smoother. You dont even need anything. Just see om your own eyes. Thanks bugers for your great work. Camera work perfect for me, i use built-in miui camera and its fast a lot. On RC6 doesnt notice camera error. Works...
  12. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    Snapdragon Camera isn't so good? I gave a link it few pages before
  13. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    bugers, please fix problem. Sometimes phone doesnt charging, reboot sovle it. I think battery consumtion is more than on RC3, maybe im wrong. thanks
  14. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    You can try to use Snapdragon Camera, i think its very good and stable. there are a lot of settings and it has material design (taken from here: and battery saving mod is still so laggy...
  15. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    bugers please check power saving mode. When I turn it on in quick pulldown in notification drawer my phone starts lagging very hard, everything is slow and there are a lot of lags. This power saving mode is not the same as that built in adnroid 5, which turns on automatic when you have 10-15% of...
  16. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    bugers, please remove "--block \" string in build/core/Makefile to avoid block image(like it would be usual zip as we can see in <=4.4.4 roms information frome here You can use google translate in google chrome...
  17. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    no in zip archive anymore, just system folder and boot.img, no needs to resize partition or reboot recovery after flashing furthermore its more convinient to drag some system apps/files if you are remove/change some of them
  18. M

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    BuGi please remove "--block \" string in build/core/Makefile to avoid block image(like it would be usual zip as we can see in <=4.4.4 roms information frome here You can use google translate in google chrome to...