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  1. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    yup, but as usual on your own risk :D because for now we are using LG ril framework wrapper. I don't actually know what device is using the same ril as ours.
  2. Lens_flare

    why su-gges-tion is a bad word? :D

    As subject.. I just type: s***estion. why it was starred? :D
  3. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    nope, there is only hope for LG devs
  4. Lens_flare

    LGEQcommRIL implementing

    I've heard you are the nearest english-speaking instance to Xiaomi :P So, could they implement LGEQualcommRIL sources(framework) to the next release like they've done for semc, lgestar or others? Or just sync their gingerbread repo with last cm source? :D According to CM source, exact path to...
  5. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    uhm, it's not actually a package.. create a folder bin in your home directory by issuing mkdir -p bin then dload these files and unpack to bin:
  6. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    New version is up, but I forgot to add news&weather app :[ new "build" will be tommorow. As I promised: loveforever starting from 2.2.3 you can change language with minimal modifications of actual language pack. To port language pack on liquid mt you just need to modify Torch.apk in language...
  7. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    only changelog ones. I prefer to not add nothing except for porting neccesity.
  8. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Just provide me an access, I'll do the rest :D and please let's go to PM :]
  9. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port :D no matter how it will look like, just do your best ;]
  10. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Ah, seems today but I don't know when exactly :P
  11. Lens_flare

    MIUI Community - What device do you want to see running MIUI?

    Could you add new forum for acer liquid Mt? It is already have MIUI, just need more support :P
  12. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    ask me on next friday I'll be ready to answer you.. now guide would be soo messy :] great, thx you :D modification is the last that I do and I do it if it is really necessary... that was an developer will, how can we disagree?
  13. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    not for now.. I'm working on that feature.. on next version we could replace framework-res.apk and whole pack but you'll have to use english torch.apk(or ask me to translate it). For azerty keyboard just use other than android keyboard, you won't lose anything.
  14. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    yup, some italian and american (or canadian? I meant Rogers) are unstable. It is related to new lg-based RIL and I don't know when CM devs will fix it.
  15. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    I'm still on holiday :p I'll be back on next week with all updates I can provide. I asked to Davide to continue his work so that cm is updating regularly :D
  16. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Sorry it is audio library issue, I can't fix it for now
  17. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Updated. Merry holidays people! I'll be on holiday too, so please don't request any newer port till I return.
  18. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    When it becomes popular, I'll provide an instruction for language pack makers. There is some features that should be on framework.
  19. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    So, let's ask to do so :D About calls and proximity issues: have you tried to turn off "enforce proximity" in call settings->answer settings? It could help.. About in-call audio - it is related to libaudio that is not so perfect :D About ringtones: seems that strange logics can't understand...
  20. Lens_flare

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    wow I have new community :P Tell me if you wish see that rom as original chinese too :] And, if you can, please ask to xiaomi about official support..