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  1. R

    requested feature larger call id

    and if we have all our photos in gmail i will need to download those and edit photos to get full screen caller id ? no way to do it without needing to edit as i dont have my contacts photos on my phone its synced from gmail
  2. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    sometimes when making changes in theme or wallpaper etc... i need to turn on the wallpaper scrolling hack again and then off again so it will stop scrolling is this suppose to be like this ? i am using Samsung Galaxy S with latest version thnx !
  3. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    yes i mean in the main status bar when u do not need to expand it like having the date shown always instead of carrier name or together with it (both can be a bit messy for status bar but could be wicked to have the option to choose both or one ) but in my opinion something like a date it could...
  4. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    this is really nice that status bar with centered clock +1 the wallpaper hack added makes this Mod heading to PERFECTION thnx u so much ! i hope to see the option to always show date on status bar instead of the carrier name this should come built in inside any MIUI why the Developers of MIUI...
  5. R

    Force close when creating progressbar programmatically

    hello it is a known issue with MIUI and horizontal progress bar there is an app i really like wich uses it but sadly on MIUI i cant use it hehe would LOVE to find a way to get it working this topic should be STICKY !
  6. R

    I want to change icons individually

    ye i did try that but its just for changing folder icons :) i want to change app icons not change folder icons and put apps there thnx man !
  7. R

    I want to change icons individually

    ye i am using buuf theme wich is one of the main reason i moved to miui since in miui the buuf theme is fully themed :) but theres some 3rd party icons that do no have an icon in the theme so thats why i am looking for a way to change individual icons for apps i wish there was an Applications...
  8. R

    I want to change icons individually

    yes i have tried this app before the problem is that the icons are changed BUT they are still squared after installation
  9. R

    I want to change icons individually

    i sure want to learn man hehe what made u think i dont but it just seems so complicated for me thats what i mean if u know an easy way to change one application icon i sure would love to learn thnx !
  10. R

    I want to change icons individually

    well if i need to go threw so much trouble just to change ONE application icon as i have no knowlage in editing xml and stuff like that then it sure is a missing feature changing icons is very basic for every launcher out there hope that an easier way will be in MIUI sometimes soon
  11. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    hey man thnx allot it helped me understand how it works your explanation is right on spot ! i sure hope to see more people requesting seeing the date instead if carrier name on status bar always :) i find it to be much more useful we all know who is our carrier dont we ... thnx allot for your...
  12. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    is there a way to see the date ALWAYS on the status bar with out the need to expand it ? and if there is a way what should i write if i want to see it for example like this .... July 20.07.2011 Wednesday ? same as for changing carrier name can i see what i changed to with out the need to expand...
  13. R

    I want to change icons individually

    no way i know i opened a topic THE SAME as yours one of the biggest missing features
  14. R

    Preventing to create icons with background in customized_icons_1

    +1 or having the ability to change individual app icons from theme editor would be mega awsome with out squared backround of course !
  15. R

    Miui Lovers!!! **1 Thing you hate about Miui Rom that you would like fixed??**

    when chosing EDIT THEME would love to see an Applications options so we can change individual apps that do not come themed and does any one know how i can change individual apps icons meanwhile?
  16. R

    Xiaomi Miliao (mChat) discussion and support

    ok if its MIUI then i love it i love everything they do they add style to everything :) will this be a chat app like whatsapp style or i will have to add one by one contact? will it be just for MIUI users or this is gonna be in general apps for all users of android? hope its ok im asking all...
  17. R

    Xiaomi Miliao (mChat) discussion and support

    for chating ok like we dont have 483209483209 of these so what makes this one so special ?
  18. R

    Xiaomi Miliao (mChat) discussion and support

    sorry for my ignorance but what this app is for ?
  19. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    last time i installed this mod i had to reinstall my RTL fix and it removed the carrier name strait after installing would it be the same again if i install this now after already applied RTL fix ?
  20. R

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    works flawlessly on the Galaxy S thnx allot !! just to let u know i have disabled first the wallpaper scrolling and then applied your mod but then it canceled the non wallpaper scrolling and it got back again so i had to disable the wallpaper scrolling once again after flashing your mod its a...