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  1. Tubecat

    LOSP v3.10.05 - Mi1/1s,2/2s Latest !!!

    What is "newer" version? Xiaomi is only one. M1cha's one is not finished, has no camera.
  2. Tubecat

    LOSP v3.10.05 - Mi1/1s,2/2s Latest !!!

    LOSP is OpenSource, so this should be technically possible to make a build for my native language? Anybody here have experience in ROM compiling? I'm not able to ask LOSP devs, I don't know Chinese :D
  3. Tubecat

    [ROM][JB][4.3][2013-12-29] CyanogenMod 10.2

    Just of pure interest: is it technically possible to take closed drivers of camera to make proof-of-concept build with rest of sources open?
  4. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    Yes, still wake issues, headset button also wont work
  5. Tubecat

    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    Also LOSP has no Russian language
  6. Tubecat

    [ROM][JB][4.3][2013-12-29] CyanogenMod 10.2

    Have you tried to fix headset button issue? ROM should not ignore Button_Jack.kl and use 257 code for HEADSETHOOK
  7. Tubecat

    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    I've tried LOSP, it appeared to be incompartible with software i use, for example Go Locker just FC on it. CM10.1 based firmwared are best for me for now.
  8. Tubecat

    [ROM] AOKP for Mi2

    That is bug for every CM10.1/CM10.2 based firmwares
  9. Tubecat

    [ROM] AOKP for Mi2

    Edit system/usr/keylayouts/Generic.kl with Root Explorer, change binding for 257 code "257 BUTTON_2" to "257 HEADSETHOOK" Save, make sure file permissions are still rw-r--r-- and reboot.
  10. Tubecat

    LOSP v3.10.05 - Mi1/1s,2/2s Latest !!!

    Does this ROM have FM radio support?
  11. Tubecat

    LOSP v3.10.05 - Mi1/1s,2/2s Latest !!!

    manohar, does this rom normaly works with headset buttons? does is have wake problems? When I press power button to go to sleep in Focal in CM10.2 it is hard to wake phone back.
  12. Tubecat

    [CM10.1] Daily build of CM10.1 For Mi2

    Is CM10.1 core still being updated? I'd like to see MoKee with recent changes too, as it is still battery draining, unlike CM10.1 of 9th september
  13. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    You've got reply. Try following it. :) Flashing MIUI can help as it updates radio module.
  14. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    No, I'm using cm10.1 and have no issues (except headphones one that I found how to fix myself)
  15. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    Somebody reported same issue on recent Mokee 4.3 ROM, which has pretty much the same base
  16. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    I couldn't use ROM giving me wake problems for a long time, so can't tell.
  17. Tubecat

    [ROM] CM10.2 For Mi2.

    1. Has troubles waking up the phone. Sometimes it requires many times to press power button to wake up. This is best reproduced if you start Focal and lock phone with power button 2. Headset bug still present. Anyone knows where could I report that?
  18. Tubecat

    [ROM][JB][4.3][2013-12-29] CyanogenMod 10.2

    Finally i've did adb shell su -c 'getevent -t' (without l) and key code appeared to be 0x101=257, not 256 I've added key 257 HEADSETHOOK to Generic.kl and now headset button works Long click starts Google Now, so that IS media_button. Why it is 257 code? :D Though issue with Button_Jack file...
  19. Tubecat

    [ROM][JB][4.3][2013-12-29] CyanogenMod 10.2

    It logs [ 1528.476395] /dev/input/event2: EV_KEY BTN_1 DOWN [ 1528.476426] /dev/input/event2: EV_SYN SYN_REPORT 00000000 [ 1528.476487] /dev/input/event2: EV_KEY BTN_1 UP [ 1528.476487] /dev/input/event2: EV_SYN...
  20. Tubecat

    [ROM][JB][4.3][2013-12-29] CyanogenMod 10.2

    M1cha, About headset issue. It appears CM code is not processing keylayout\Button_Jack.kl file and button is mapped to BUTTON_? instead of HEADSETHOOK This was told by one of Xiaomi's developers: Are you able to report this issue to CM team in...