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  1. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.4.13 Changelog [ICS]

    i tried to use the updater also, but it doesn`t work (SGS2) :(
  2. S

    In Progress BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.13

    the sms app is OK now, just re-download the new update for SGS2, mine is ok now
  3. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.4.13 Changelog [ICS]

    Thanks miui team for resolving that quick the sms app bug.. i just updated the new rom and is all fine... SGS2.. great job !!!
  4. S

    Resolved SMS app crash 2.4.13 SGS2

    i hope miui admin will apply some quick update to resolve this issue.
  5. S

    Resolved SMS app crash 2.4.13 SGS2

    i just updated to 2.4.13 my SGS2 and my SMS app won`t work (it freezes when i try to open it)..
  6. S

    Resolved BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.6

    i have one problem.. when i get a new message and i open it from the unlocker bar, the buttons wont work (in the message window), i cant reply.. maybe some of you had this issue also...
  7. S

    Preview New ThemeManager UI

    yeaaaa.... can`t wait for this next update... great work guys !!!
  8. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.4.6 Preview Changelog

    i hope to see the dialler get fixed (dialler theme) and also the contacts... i rest.. all the best !!!
  9. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.30 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    great work for the update guys... only one question? when can we see compatible themes with the new ics rom? the dialler hasn`t changed :(
  10. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.3.30 Preview changelog

    come ooon happy friday.. can`t wait to apply the updated rom.. hopefully it fixes the anser mode too.. i hate the clasic answering mode (the 2 circles swiping left or right)