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    In Progress BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.13

    1. Then the phrases should not be there in the first place. Unless it's supposed to be in Chinese, it's a bug. 2. I know it points to Chinese servers mate. Is that the expected behavior from an end-user point of view? Obviously not. 3. My locale is set to English (United Kingdom). 4. "Backup...
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    In Progress BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.13

    A few more bugs: SMS > Favorites > Phrases > Content is in chinese Updater > MIUI 2.4.13 (Weekly Build) > the changelog is in chinese Settings > Accounts & Sync > Add account > Xiaomi > Create account > Get verify code > Popup is in chinese Settings > Backup & reset. "Backup account" cannot be...
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    Resolved BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.6

    Then their definition of a bug is faulty. You absolutely don't need a FC to call it a bug. Yes, it has been discussed here:
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    Resolved BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.6

    It is a bug, because it should ask whether or not you still want to download but it doesn't. Error messages with no explanation is always a bug.
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    In Progress 2.3.30 - Flashligh on when unlocking. - SGS2

    Yes this bug is still on 2.4.6. It's easy to reproduce. On the lock screen do a long-press of the home button, then immediately after you let go do a normal press. The long press should only be about half a second (i.e. you should let go before the flash turns on).
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    Resolved BUGs - Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 - 2.4.6

    I've found a fairly major bug but it is difficult to reproduce. Two times in two days since upgrading to 2.4.6 my phone has frozen while being locked and there is no reaction when pressing the unlock button, home button (or any other button). When it happens the phone also gets hotter than...
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    New MIUI phone interface and functionality (requires data wipe)

    The collapsing dial pad was there in older versions as well. The new UI is the that the unlock circle is now used to answer or reject incoming calls. I didn't wipe, but I did go into settings > apps and clear data for call settings and everything that starts with "phone" immediately after...
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    MIUI v4 Org. android Data Usage

    I second OPs request. ICS Data Usage is definitely superior to MIUI "monitor"
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    Resolved SGS2 Miui V4 Market Install Bug

    Minecraft Pocket Edition is just 2,83 MB yet it fails too so there is no correlation. My personal guess is that the apps that are installed on the SDcard fails and those installed on internal storage don't. That would explain why unmounting the SDcard fixes it since it forces the app to be...
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    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.30 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    Same issue here. Several apps will not install (such as Minecraft Pocket Edition, Reckless Getaway, Reckless Racing). Possibly because they want to be installed on the SD card. Titanium fails on the the very same apps. Another bug seems to be that facebook sync is not working. Unless I am...