Search results

  1. S

    [1.7.29] launcher bug ( icons order)

    push this file to /system/app then reboot the phone this should solve the issue
  2. S

    NS 1.7.29 theme manager FC

    push the ThemeManager.apk to /system/app and reboot should fix the issue.
  3. S

    GMail Notification Counter

    Search for gmail unread counter in market there is an app by Alexander which claims to do this Sent from my HTC HD2 using the forum app
  4. S

    Nasty folder bug in 1.7.15

    adb remount adb push launcher2.apk /system/app adb reboot Then go to recovery and clear cache and dalvik cache. Then reboot. Sent from my HTC HD2 using the forum app
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    Nasty folder bug in 1.7.15

    Really Strange because it works for me every time have reflashed rom 4 times so far. and it worked everytime. did you clear cache and davlik cache after pushing the apk
  6. S

    Nasty folder bug in 1.7.15

    translated Launcher2.apk got from download from here you need to push it to /system/app/
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    Nasty folder bug in 1.7.15

    Check out has solution for it
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    Lockscreen bug

    This would happen if there is any error in manifest.xml provide the name of lock screen or upload the lockscreen i'll check it for you.
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    cant use data on virtual network operator (MVNO) [unsolved]

    I am not sure if i understand your problem correctly. can you be bit more descriptive.
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    ~80ma current drain when I use custom (new) lockscreen in 1.6.17

    On My TMOUS HD2 i have lost 22% of battery in 2 hours with absolutely no usage. if i look at battery usage cell standby is drawing more current than in what it use to be in that last miui version. and yes i was using 5 point lock screen. have changed it older screen lets see what happens now.
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    GMail Notification Counter

    You need to use thirdpary application for it. seach in Market there many application claiming to do this. never tried personally tho'. In the default gmail application it is not possible as of now.
  12. S


    can you make one like in default HTC Sense without number