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  1. oodie

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.2 [ICS] [Nexus S] ROM Uploaded

    I've used the 2.2.24 settings.apk for my modded rom & it works fine . Only downside is " status bar settings " are not displayed in settings . but we can always change status bar settings by sliding down the status bar & pressing " ... " for settings . :D
  2. oodie

    Preview New contact shortcut to desktop feature for ICS

    This is Nice feature . Looking forward for more features in the future . Thanks Mark & the team . about a contacts issue : showing sim card numbers is annoying , since although we select to display numbers on phone , incoming calls display both names in sim card & phone . Eg: if we have...
  3. oodie

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.2.24 Preview changelog

    yeah ! another answer style would be nice . Old one is too boring now :D
  4. oodie

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    like i said sir , there is a framework-res issue as i see . they are incredibly small comparing what they should be .
  5. oodie

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    why does the framework-res.apk & framework-miui-res.apk are in the app folder ? just curious ;)
  6. oodie

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    I think there is a framework issue in the first bulid . downloading again now to see if its fixed now ( i think it is ) :)
  7. oodie

    CRT ON/OFF Animation Help

    Can anyone tell me which files handles the crt on/off animation ? ( lib , bin , etc files ? ) Or is it Framework related ? bt I used the same framework of miui :wonder: I have a X10 & I ported MIUI successfully , almost everything working . But CRT animation doesn't work :( Can anyone help me...
  8. oodie

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Thanks mate!
  9. oodie

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Can anyone give me links for 1.8.26 version?
  10. oodie

    Launcher MOD

    Oh! sorry .. Got it now .. Thanks :)
  11. oodie

    Launcher MOD

    Is there anyway you can get 5 icons in the hotseat ? Thanks for your efforts sir !