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  1. pa.pn2

    New Theme problem maguro 2.10.19

    i use peles blackandroid and the bug is still present so its not themers fault, its miuis fault i guess as i wrote, i changed the whole framework folder of last weeks build with 2.10.19 build, flashe dit, and voila bug is gone so there must be something buggy in the framewotk files...
  2. pa.pn2

    New Theme problem maguro 2.10.19

    Hi, in the actual build some people including me, reported, that some parts of their themes(dock,statusbar) are not shown properly. i copied the whole framework folder of last weeks build into 2.10.19 reflashed and all is fine now so there must be a problem within the framework files please...
  3. pa.pn2


    download from first page, link is below the roms, flash them after romflashing, reboot and ready
  4. pa.pn2

    [MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

    wow this is so great now roms have their own toolbox like have got manyyy thx for that hope you release soon for maguro, but take as long time as you need^^
  5. pa.pn2

    New [2.10.12] [SGS2] Status bar/Monitor/Guard/Touch key light bugs

    as for the traffic monitor bug, read my post over here
  6. pa.pn2

    [MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

    any chance to get a all-in-one zip for flashing all 4 mods directly?
  7. pa.pn2

    [MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

    do these mods just works with .com version or also with version? tried the smoothscrollingmod with us version and got mihome fc alltime...
  8. pa.pn2

    New Sgs2 traffic monitor bug

    or as i stated here, use the apk from previous version
  9. pa.pn2

    New Traffic settings

    hmm i copied NetworkAssistent.apk from 2.83 but it fc all time i think this apk was for ics, not jb i try a former version of jb builds now and report back edit: NetworkAssistant.apk from 2.8.31 seems to work normal if anyone want, here is the downloadlink...
  10. pa.pn2

    New Traffic settings

    hi, dont know if thats a bug if you modify the traffic settings, change the starting date and the warning percentage its not saved, even if you press save.. can someone confirm?
  11. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    i mean the roboto font style lol its in the font folder, the default ics font is called roboto there is a workaround and how to do that, and many fonts allready ready to use i would recommend to use the semibold...
  12. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    2.7.13 is pretty nice so far battery life on maguro with trinity is insane 1day 4 h, 49% left, 2,5 hours of screentime i also like the new task manager, looks so stylish now i just need a center clock, but i wont switch to for that cause their rom is so buggy.... good job@all, thx
  13. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    i always put my own fonts(must be in robotic style) into the system/fonts folder before flashing and all is fine
  14. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    take networklocation.apk from previous version 2.6.22 and all is fine
  15. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.6 ROMS

    use the the networklocation.apk from 2.6.22 and all is fine copy it via rootexplorer or adb to system/app
  16. pa.pn2

    New Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 LBE Guard problem - Can not grant root permission

    same here do the following install SuperSU from market and estrong will work again i dont know why the use this lbe sec apk instead of superuser.apk... is it possible to remove that app completly before flashing and add superuser.apk? instead?does someone know?
  17. pa.pn2

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.6 ROMS

    what happenend to themes again? cant apply any of my themes, iconpacks etc...
  18. pa.pn2

    New [Solved] HTC Sensation localisation problem

    thats nice.your welcome^^
  19. pa.pn2

    New [Solved] HTC Sensation localisation problem

    here you go
  20. pa.pn2

    New [Solved] HTC Sensation localisation problem

    same here bug was present couple of versions before and returned now lol just take the networklocation.apk from 2.6.15 and exchange it via rootexplorer to system/app dont forget to set permissions and all is fine again^^