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  1. Addamas

    What Is Super Su?

    Use Google Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  2. Addamas

    MULTI 6.2.18

    You can simply have 5 apps locked to bottom bar. Just move one more there :-D Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  3. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Yay, why not Disable / turn off google keyboard in Apps/ Installed? Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  4. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    I thought you were talking about last build... In previous version there was update where it was introduced... 6.1.21 Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  5. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    But it's already in rom. Look for led settings and uncheck led when charging... Works for me :-P Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  6. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    You're right, should not be needed. But MIUI has this bad point that every app is linked with others. For instance deleting Analytics or Music will cause bootloop (phone will stay on MI logo forever). But I think that's only scripting problem... Sebsch should tell us more :-P Xiaomi Mi2S with...
  7. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Well... Xiaomi Framework must be present but it has limited options and syncing. It is left to enable us to change themes and log in to Xiaomi Services Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  8. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    It works fine for me, just tested it. You may try to turn off and on pocket dials. Maybe something will change. Weird thing. You can also (if not did it yet) add a lock to Dialer app... Who knows. Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  9. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    5.12.24 was the best IMHO. Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  10. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Poor signal like 1-2 bars causes huge battery drain (5-10% per hour in idle) If you don't use mobile data then change to 2G and turn on Wi-Fi if you really need data on phone. Personally I leave phone on 2G Wi-Fi off and use my PC but when I leave home then I turn data and go 2G for emails but...
  11. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Are you sure that you are using proper TWRP for your partitions? (no idea if something has changed nowadays for your device). I much more prefer to use TWRP, for my device CWM is deprecated. Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  12. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    Only way I know is installing a Xposed module, but I used it on previous phone with Android 4.4 Here it is: I have no idea if there is any Xposed framework working on last versions of MIUI v7. Why not try Swiftkey...
  13. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    It always worked for me when I added root access in Security/Permissions / Root access. Try to disable app manually in Installed Apps / running and then try to disable it's services... Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  14. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    Root permissions added? Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  15. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    Ok, I have tested my idea on my Mi2S on sMIUI based on and that's Analytics app for sure. In Disable Service disabled all Analytics services : Then opened Browser and nothing happened, all my speed dial is the same: Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  16. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    Don't try to delete it, my Mi2S does not boot if you delete / freeze that damn app. But you can disable it's services in Disable Service. And system will work without it... That's all I found, but I don't use English language at all so I only figured that browsers changes homescreen when I...
  17. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    You can change like in every Android phone by changing values in build.prop but MIUI's launcher is not scalable so it will be a mess. So I do not recommend digging in it. May I ask why do you need that operation? Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  18. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    If you want more info about it (only my thoughts) check it here : Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI
  19. Addamas

    New Mi Browser

    This happens only on English language, suggest to change to any other. Problem is caused by... Analytics app. At least it has some notes inside app code related to Browser. I have no clue how to change it now if you want to stay on English language. Maybe to can try with Disable Service on...
  20. Addamas

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    I fixed Google Calendar sync in stock app by installing Google app and syncing. After it everything is OK... Wierd but works :-P Xiaomi Mi2S with sMIUI