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  1. F

    Miui music

    With 11.26 is the miui music app been translated yet * Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
  2. F

    Super Circle Battery Mod--Nexus One

    Yes version C and what I mean is the notification bar 3d icons you get this option in the circle battery generator website Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
  3. F

    Super Circle Battery Mod--Nexus One

    Can you add status bar 3d please? Also can you make the circle battery circle 3d vC ? Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
  4. F

    Is anyone else going to skip Gingerbread because of how good MIUI looks?

    Miui mite just base there's on 2.3 and use extra features from it Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App