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  1. M

    Resolved FC leads to reboot

    it wasn't random for me, but there is a part where all services "died" attached is the latest logcat i did several days ago..
  2. M

    New Samsung galaxy S2 : no sms sound

    have you check the sms tone? since last update it was set to silent.
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    New LG Optimus 2x SMS discharging battery

    install betterbatterystats from xda and post log after 1 charge cycle, and we'll find the culprit
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    Resolved FC leads to reboot

    show FCs is enabled, in the previous "working" rom/update. when this is disabled, it wont reboot, it just simple bypasses the dialog box. not sure why mine keeps rebooting. been having around minimum 3-4 reboots per day. nevertheless, this is still a great rom :)
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    Resolved FC leads to reboot

    i am not sure why, since last week's update, whenever an app is giving FCs the phone would then "lock" then reboot itself, not showing the FC window alert..
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    In Progress sqlite exception

    it has nothing to do with ES, looking for a the separate problem with ES and found this. maybe a contact bug or something..
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    In Progress sqlite exception

    i've been tracing why es file explorer cannot install apk, and found this, although it isn't related to my problem. installing apk from es file explorer resulted to "Installation error code: -22" and cannot be installed. any idea why is this happening?
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    kindly upload your logcat, so we can deduce which is the problem.
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    your s2 froze because of the incorrect variable datatype in the strings.xml, when requesting for root permission, try flashing the above fix and try again. :) so far im not having any problems anymore aside from the about>status FC Bug.. cheers.. just my 2 cents
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    In Progress 2.6.22 SGS2 Freeze when ask for Root Rights and view 'Phone Info'

    yes that works, i just like lbe guard, to remove some of the unwanted permission :D
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    In Progress 2.6.22 SGS2 Freeze when ask for Root Rights and view 'Phone Info'

    TEMP FIX(not until new version of lbe is fixed): cleared data of LBE SEC then copied over LBE SEC from 2.6.15 fix the root permission problem. (clear data of LBE SEC is REQUIRED, wont be able to boot if data isn't cleared) now, i just need to restore apps from back ups.. :)
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    In Progress 2.6.22 SGS2 Freeze when ask for Root Rights and view 'Phone Info'

    deleted Maps.apk using titanium back, still doesn't solve anything :) sorry for hi jacking this thread but upon looking at my logcat (i am wiped clean) i noticed some errors,. UPDATE: recreated scenario of selecting "ask" for root permission and that %d error...
  13. M

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

    tried it, not working though.. i can't seem to find LBE SEC, LBE SEC == LBE? if yes, cache button is grayed out. no cache available..
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    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

    where did you get that information that removing maps would solve it? i mean, i can't seem to think of a reason why.. ehehe.. anyway will try after i wipe my phone again, after i finish typing this.. got nothing to lose anyway..
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    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

    yes LBE is the culprit, i "can't" however clear the cache since i wiped my data before installing the update. i also had a cwm backup of which i upgraded and re downgraded to 2.6.15 however it will be stucked at "starting applications"
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    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

    i'm having that problem even after wiping data and everything. still looking for a fix.. md5 is correct also
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    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

    aren't you having lbe/root problems? i got sgs2 also and can't seem to find a wayt to fix it
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    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.6.22 Changelog

    LBE Guard /root is the culprit i think... wiped my data then installed this update, and it would freeze where an app will ask for root access.
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    [SGS2 2.6.22] Root Permissions reboot

    copy? i push it via adb and reboot and the root is gone. reflashed rom to regain root (still not working) i also wiped my data clean before installing this update
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    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.6.22 Changelog

    is it just me? im stuck with starting applications... im using i9100