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  1. M

    Resolved Fonts displayed in folders barely readable.

    tried it using default theme, and mine has a white background.
  2. M

    Amazing music player

    i also hate it when they auto download the album arts,..
  3. M

    Resolved Fonts displayed in folders barely readable.

    bug reports like these are better when attached with a screenshot, :)
  4. M

    Resolved 2.6.8 Music unicode filename problem

    Deleting /data/fonts seems to revert the fonts back. and FIXED THIS F*CKING PROBLEM. Mods, kindly delete this thread or close it. Thanks
  5. M

    Resolved 2.6.8 Music unicode filename problem

    UPDATE: was thinking that it maybe a font problem, however selecting the default font wont change it back. Language selection also contains boxed character. if anyone can prove that it is indeed a font problem, i am willing to wipe my data :D
  6. M

    Resolved 2.6.8 Music unicode filename problem

    i have some korean music and it appears as boxes. UPDATE: i think the whole system cannot process unicode text, as i tried another music player and still boxes. UPDATE: wiped media storage and still not display the characters.
  7. M

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! best post i've seen for today! :D i'm looking forward to it :)
  8. M

    Resolved init.d Scripts not working!

    check permissions :)
  9. M

    In Progress Xperia X10 TripNMiUi v2.3.5 facebook problem

    wait. if you're having reboots. use a pc/computer with adb commands. first. you need to have drivers for your mobile phone. second download and install android sdk. here -> third start cmd (run as administrator) fourth, type "cd <install location...
  10. M

    In Progress Xperia X10 TripNMiUi v2.3.5 facebook problem

    its "logcat -c", anyway try typing "logcat -d" in terminal after the crash without clearing is also ok, but longer.
  11. M

    Xiaomi MIHOME 1.0 Released

    this is a launcher for aokp or official roms(ICS) and this will have no application drawer, and miui popup message is built into messaging app :)
  12. M

    In Progress Xperia X10 TripNMiUi v2.3.5 facebook problem

    you could download terminal emulator and type "logcat -c" first to clear the logcat then trigger the crash then type "logcat -d > /sdcard/log.txt" then upload the file or paste it in if crashing result to a reboot, kindly follow iBotPeaches' method (pc needed)...
  13. M

    In Progress this isn't fix yet :)

    i am also wondering where is that string, can't seem to find that anywhere.. also, settings> about> status seems to fc. something about java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: i'm using samsung s2 using the...
  14. M

    In Progress this isn't fix yet :)

    logcat after failed installation. line 39: D/InstallAppProgress(17160): Installation error code: -22
  15. M

    ICS sms UI on MIUI?

    if theming is 100% working, you can have ICS threading interface if you want :)
  16. M

    In Progress this isn't fix yet :)

    and oh, i can't seem to install apk in some other file manager.. :) i am using ES explorer to access my samba shared folders, and can't install anything, using miui file manager works however, is there anything blocking the installation?
  17. M

    In Progress this isn't fix yet :) trying to fix it myself however i can't decompile MiuiSystemUI.apk, looking for 3.apk, tried intalling framework-miui-res.apk, still unable to decompile :)
  18. M

    New Unable to download themes

    oh, thanks man for pointing that one, i missed it when skimming through it awhile ago
  19. M

    New Unable to download themes

    I am unable to download themes and also font have unnessary spinner in layout. screenshots
  20. M

    Release MIUI ROM 2.5.25 [ICS]

    i think because this isn't a support thread? try posting in support section, and i dont think Themes are 100% working yet (Correct me if im wrong, been using another rom, and just returned to MIUI (again) today)