UPDATE: was thinking that it maybe a font problem, however selecting the default font wont change it back.
Language selection also contains boxed character.
if anyone can prove that it is indeed a font problem, i am willing to wipe my data :D
i have some korean music and it appears as boxes.
UPDATE: i think the whole system cannot process unicode text, as i tried another music player and still boxes.
UPDATE: wiped media storage and still not display the characters.
wait. if you're having reboots. use a pc/computer with adb commands.
first. you need to have drivers for your mobile phone.
second download and install android sdk. here -> http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
third start cmd (run as administrator)
fourth, type "cd <install location...
you could download terminal emulator and type "logcat -c" first to clear the logcat
then trigger the crash then type "logcat -d > /sdcard/log.txt" then upload the file or paste it in http://logcat.miuiandroid.com
if crashing result to a reboot, kindly follow iBotPeaches' method (pc needed)...
i am also wondering where is that string, can't seem to find that anywhere..
also, settings> about> status seems to fc.
something about java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SpnOverride.getSpn
i'm using samsung s2 using the...
and oh, i can't seem to install apk in some other file manager.. :) i am using ES explorer to access my samba shared folders, and can't install anything, using miui file manager works however, is there anything blocking the installation?
trying to fix it myself however i can't decompile MiuiSystemUI.apk, looking for 3.apk, tried intalling framework-miui-res.apk, still unable to decompile :)
i think because this isn't a support thread? try posting in support section, and i dont think Themes are 100% working yet (Correct me if im wrong, been using another rom, and just returned to MIUI (again) today)