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  1. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    Still not working with chrome. Tried with Internet explorer and it works :)
  2. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.13

    SGS2 Not Found The requested URL /2.7.13/ was not found on this server.
  3. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.7.13 Changelog

    Have you tried just 45 without the +
  4. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.7.13 Changelog

    This firmware has been known to cause superbrick in some SGS2's. Nothing yet can recover this, not even Jtag. You have to replace the motherboard.
  5. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.13 Preview Changelog

    There is a toggle in the miui sms app "System MMS app priority" On/Off
  6. S

    Lockscreen not working after modification.

    Here is how I do it and it works for me. Right click on the mtz file. Then select 7zip>open archive Once 7zip is opened, find lockscreen, double click to open. Open the advance folder Drag the images you want to edit to your desktop Edit the images then save them Drag them back to the advance...
  7. S

    Xiaomi New File Explorer Cloud Storage - Protection for your important files!

    It has rolled out officially for some countries but some people are still reporting bricking with official firmware. I have not seen it confirmed yet but i'd put off flashing until it has been.
  8. S

    Resolved SGS2 2.7.20 Unread SMS on lockscreen broken

    As title. When receiving a text it does not show the unread count or the message preview on locksreen. Confirmed by other user to.
  9. S

    Xiaomi New File Explorer Cloud Storage - Protection for your important files!

    I'd wait before flashing any 4.0.4 it is bricking some SGS2's. From what i've read its when you wipe data in CWM.
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    In Progress SGS2 - 2.7.6 - trouble battery drain!!

    Not sure what causes it, I just know chrome is involved, I have tried other kernels and get the same issue.
  11. S

    In Progress SGS2 - 2.7.6 - trouble battery drain!!

    I was getting some major battery drain. checked better battery stats and it showed a massive kernel wakelock suspend_backoff. After sone research it seems it was caused by chrome browser. Uninstalled it and now its fine.
  12. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.6 Changelog preview

    It will not work.
  13. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.6 Changelog preview

    It's never helped previously when I have used it. I'll give it another go.
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    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.6 Changelog preview

    There is no version of flash in the play store that is compatible with Jellybean.
  15. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.6 Changelog preview

    Works for me but it takes up to around 5 minutes to get a lock. Needs some major improvement.
  16. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.7.6 Changelog preview

    Yes this is true flash is not supported in 4.1
  17. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.29

    Ah so its a theme problem then? Will you be fixing the blackandroid theme?
  18. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.29

    Its the themers job to do what?
  19. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.29

    Themes still aren't applying properly on SGS2 :(
  20. S

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.6.29 Preview

    Use google translate. The site is missing a key feature in my opionion and that is a way to sort between GB themes and ICS themes.