Wiped as requested cache and dalvik cache installed deodoxed then english pack. Now most of all my apps are gone and I keep getting force close.
Phone now has low memory icon at the top?
Can some one plz help me?
yea I am sorry didn't know about the service.
SD card 442MB Internal Memory 46.02MB
I will not boot without apps, that's weird. Going to more info doesn't tell much but, carrier, IMEI, Mac address. etc etc.
Nice app my logcats says E/dalvikvm-heap(11019): 218880-byte external allocation too large for this process.
Trying adjusting heap to 24 and it got worst.
I have posted most of my log in the bugs section in hopes to eliminate the fc problem with folders and editing.
The file size is to big to post its over 60k characters. I am not sure what to do? I will post the towards the end of the file when I was duplicating the problem with my phone.
It just happen to me I thought my phone was broken. Called HTC when was on hold I rebooted and it worked. I thought I needed a Replacement phone
Sent from my SexyNexy using the miui-dev.com Forums App
This problem made my life a living hell for about a week. But, what I ended up doing was this. Formatted new sd card with ext3. Install ubuntu gained Root access transferred the old ext3 files to my new card. Otherwise on boot I would be hung up on the beginning logo.