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  1. umiboozu

    xiaomi is monitoring our browsers

    thx, I read the article. I hope that XIAOMI still trustable, but didn’t changed the fact that the reshearcher found uncrypted information in communications. Let’s see Xiaomi next moove to be more transparant on that
  2. umiboozu

    xiaomi is monitoring our browsers

    you CHOOSE to sync on chrome, is not by defaut. And you have a easy choice of better navigator for dataprivcy . Not like an phone OS
  3. umiboozu

    xiaomi is monitoring our browsers

    They lost my trust. I was a xiaomi fanboy, but it’s over. It’ not about some «history» , this process can allow to...
  4. umiboozu

    MI9SE : TWRP can’t uncrypt SD anymore, no more TWRP ?

    Hi, thank you so much , I installed it « twrp-3.3.1-16-Mi9SE.img » and now it works, I have the pattern back on TWRP and I can install magisk. I had some problem to push it on my computer , fastboot was rebooting each time, I have to try an another pc, install ADB moded by XDA ...
  5. umiboozu

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

  6. umiboozu

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    Hi, did the update on MI9SE , but my TWRP ( cant uncrypt my SD anymore. It does not ask for patern at start. I try to find a new one but there are no more TWRP grus for MI9SE in the both download section. Someone have a new TWRP for MI9SE? Have other poeple get this bug? thank you...
  7. umiboozu

    MI9SE : TWRP can’t uncrypt SD anymore, no more TWRP ?

    Hi, I just updated to 20.3.26 , but my TWRP ( 3.3.1-1018) can’t read the SD. It does not ask the pattern to unloch. I try to find a new TWRP, but there no more TWRP grus for MI9SE in the xiaome.EU list. Someone have the lastet one ?
  8. umiboozu

    suggestion : automatic stop charge

    thanks for the answer. I tried this one but it's too complicate. Finaly I use the app Battery charge limit, it's perfect
  9. umiboozu

    Using Android 9 or later?

    I think the support of mipad4 is over And no mipad5 for now I'm thinking about to go to samsung, they have good phones, and an android tab ( the last one)
  10. umiboozu

    suggestion : automatic stop charge

    Hi, I re-up because I'm jealous from IOS to slowdown the charge at 80%. Do someone know a solution for interrupt charge at 80%? thanks for help
  11. umiboozu

    MIUI 10 9.7.11

    I just waiting for the PIP being fixed.... I'm a big user of youtube in PIP with Vanced, that is a big issue for me
  12. umiboozu

    New back and menu buttons switching itself randomly

    Hi, since one month , I got my buttons in the navbar , switching for no reasons. I use the «mirror button» , but after a moment, whatever the «mirror button» is switch on or off, the buttons get back in wrong way « back in the left, menu is the right» I'm I the only one? 9.6.5
  13. umiboozu

    MI8 SE : fail encryption

    I see, you encrypted with the original global rom first. I already flashed with, and I spent too many hours to get back to 2 more in order to make a new "try" But thanks for the tip, I will do that next time!
  14. umiboozu

    MI8 SE : fail encryption

    indeed, I searched but with « encryption mi8 se» , I thought that It was only this phone but seems to be a large part of xiaomi phone. My mistake I tried to edit fstab.qcom , but when I do my phone boot automatically and only on recovery. I spent many hours on this, I think I just going to wait...
  15. umiboozu

    MIUI 10 9.1.17

    I can't encrypt on mi8 se , does anyone got the same issue?
  16. umiboozu

    MI8 SE : fail encryption

    Hi, just after have installed on my mi8se, I launched a encryption , but the process stop and a got the message "encryption was interrupted" does anybody else encounter this problem? TWRP :3.2.3-1227-XIAOMI8SE-CN-wzsx150 xiaomi.eu_multi_MI8SE_9.1.17_v10-9
  17. umiboozu

    ROOT Mi8 SE (magisk)?

    What a crap... thanks for information I sent a donation to john wu , the creator of magisk, asking for him to support mi8 se. I invite you do so to motivate him to have a look on make magisk optimized to MI8 SE For now, only magisk v16.6 works on mi8se . v16.7 to v18.0 bootloop
  18. umiboozu

    When will be available?

    I unlocked it immediately , and installed . I din't checked if it was really chinese miu
  19. umiboozu

    When will be available?

    I don't know , I bought it there
  20. umiboozu

    When will be available?

    I don't know why , but I didn't have to wait, it unlocked it immediatly. I bought an chinese version on aliexpres