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  1. rsbosss


    I installed your ROM via your method. Everything seems OK, though I didn't have time to check everything. But GPay refused to work at first. Then I installed TWRP and them Google Pay Fix via TWRP. Now Gpay works fine. As I noticed, in some cases there is no need in installing Google Pay Fix, as...
  2. rsbosss


    I just took the file "recovery-TWRP-3.4.0B-0209-REDMI_K30-CN-wzsx150.img" and installed it the usual way via command line. Don't be afraid of the Chinese characters. ;-) By the way, Windows detected this zip file as a virus. So I decided not to use the whole package, just took twrp image file...
  3. rsbosss


    Thank you for explaining. I was about to try. Now I will wait for the "regular" ROM for TWRP. I hope the virus will not delay the next release for too long. Thanks again.
  4. rsbosss


    Thank you very much. Just installed TWRP to my K30 4G. Downloading 20.1.21 firmware now. So I can install it via this new TWRP as usual, right?