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  1. galaxy89

    Disable Automatic OTA Update of Rom

    Cool. I did exactly that. Thanks :-)
  2. galaxy89

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Ah yes,I'm using Zachs neo9 kernel because of the problems which the stock kernel gives with nandroid backups. Could this be the problem? Which kernels does your mod app support,only stock? Thanks
  3. galaxy89

    Disable Automatic OTA Update of Rom

    Hi Is there any way to disable the automatic update of the new releases of the rom? I have managed to stop it from updating, but the notification remains on the updater icon and is quite irritating. Is there a way to then maybe remove the notification? Or is there a way to remove the...
  4. galaxy89

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hi When trying to flash the zip from recovery, the installation aborts, giving me the following message ''cant open sdcard/esright......etc (bad)''. Am i doing something wrong? I am running MIUIandroid 1.9.2 on a Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000. I apologise if this has already been answered...
  5. galaxy89

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    ah I see. Thanks :)
  6. galaxy89

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Check this out.
  7. galaxy89

    [UPDATE!] Colorful Clocks v1.1

    Great work! Thanks alot!
  8. galaxy89

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hi You say 'flash the downloaded file' but there is more than one file. Do we need to flash all 4 files?