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  1. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]

    F5, reloading, F5
  2. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.8 [ICS]

    Does we have problem with I can't wait. I see lots of improvments
  3. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.1 ROM [ICS]

    Tnx for update. Great ROM. Finally close to [GB] ROMS
  4. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.1 ROM [ICS]

    THANKSSS! :oops:
  5. sudy_freak

    Xiaomi MIHOME 1.0 Released

    not enough MIUI touch :)
  6. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.5.25 [ICS]

    " Text editor to add magnifying glass function. Long press text to have it appear in the magnified view. Function derivived from IOS" Where? Or I can't see it? How to enable it?
  7. sudy_freak

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.5.25 Preview change log

    Wow, this update sounds so good. I can't wait tomorrow to download it :) Thanks lot! After all CM9 based ROM-s, and Google's Nexus ICS like, I really missed MIUI, and after all I'm enjoying it again :oops:
  8. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI 2.4.20 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    Is there sill issue with overtaking RAM? 2 hours on 2.4.13. and using RAM was about 450-500 MB
  9. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI 2.4.20 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    Be patient?
  10. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI 2.4.20 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    MIUI SGS2 is uploaded. Look better :) I'm gonna try it. Still on CM9 and works very good. Is 2.4.20 valuable upgrade? Any issues? Not working, FC things?
  11. sudy_freak

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.4.13 Changelog [ICS]

    Great job, but still lot things in chinese, CRT off animation disabled?
  12. sudy_freak

    Preview New ThemeManager UI

    Wow, looks very nice. Can't wait tomorrow. I have just one short question about 2.4.6. CRT Sreen off is disabled or I can't find it. I'm sorry for off topic.
  13. sudy_freak

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.30 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    I can't wait stable release, or RC. Every update is on better way.
  14. sudy_freak

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.3.30 Changelog [ICS]

    I can't wait. Very good changelog. Lot of improvements. So, in your opinion Mark, what do you think, when it will be stable?