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  1. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Thank you. Added to OP.
  2. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Leaving Clockopia out doesn't really cause problems. It just leaves your status bar font as the default. I personally like to replace it to give a more uniform look - same font wherever possible. If you'd like to post any packages you've made, that would be great. The more choices, the better...
  3. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Journal (preview) Download Added to OP. It looks good, but it might be a little on the small side.
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    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    It has to be 480x800 in .rgb565 or .raw565 format.
  5. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    It didn't work the first time I used it, but he may have fixed it. I haven't had time to test it recently, so if you could, that would be awesome. Just remember that changing the splash1 image requires the 0.76 bootloader for fastboot.
  6. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    I honestly don't know why they wouldn't work. It doesn't look like g4rb4g3 changed anything that would break that. Do you know what the successful people are doing to change their fonts? I'm going to look through the thread a bit, but it's long. As for the miui-dev app, here it is...
  7. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    This puzzles me, because I've had each and every font in my post on my phone at some time (see Theme Manager previews), so they should all work. Have you made any modifications to MIUI since you've installed it that might affect the font it uses? Which phone do you have? What are the exact...
  8. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    No. I wish it was that easy. The directory structures are completely different. The folders have to be reorganized, the font files have to be renamed, the theme manager requires an xml file for a description, and I put preview images in the Theme Manager zips. It's honestly not super hard, but...
  9. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Which font(s) are you trying to use? I will look into it.
  10. E


    You have to keep in mind that CM7 is nowhere near "complete". It's not considered stable for a reason. There is still a lot of work to do to perfect it.
  11. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Sony Sketch (preview) Download Added to OP in alphabetical order.
  12. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Not even a problem. I'm just trying to contribute to an amazing community.
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    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    3 fonts would have been easy enough, but everyone has different tastes. I'm just trying to accomodate. However, I am thinking of scaling back on the number of variants for each font. Some are just redundant. For instance, one font I packed last night, Goudy Bookletter 1911, has 6 variations...
  14. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    OK. It's up. Get your Theme Manager fonts here.
  15. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Pacifico (preview) Download **NEW** Penguin Attack (preview) Download Polo Brush (preview) Download **NEW** Port Credit (preview) Download Primer Print (preview) Download Progenesis (no preview found) Download **NEW** PT Sans (preview) Download **NEW** Puritan (preview) Download...
  16. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Jolly (preview) Download Josefin Sans (preview) Download Journal (preview) Download Junction (preview) Download **NEW** Junkyard (preview) Download **NEW** Just Another Hand (preview) Download Kalos Sans (preview) Download **NEW** Kenyan Coffee (preview) Download Kiddy Sans...
  17. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    That's actually one of the first ones I made. I figured it would be popular. Enjoy.
  18. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    I could not find Zegoe Light, but here is Zegoe Regular if you'd like to try it: Zegoe Regular
  19. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    MIUIFont Archives These fonts are packaged to work with the MIUI Theme Manager. There's no flashing necessary, just a hot reboot after the font is applied. Changing your font couldn't be easier. To install these fonts, just put them in /sdcard/MIUI/theme like all .mtz theme files. When you...
  20. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    I'll look for it in the morning. Even if I can't find that one, I've already packed up Zegoe Regular, and I'm going to be starting my own thread with all of my fonts in the morning, so you could check that out, too. Sure thing. Just remember: nothing commercial. I'm not trying to break any...