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  1. maksz

    Bluetooth Icon

    You have to edit apks or install SystemUI Tuner from play store.
  2. maksz

    Resolved Cant't use soundbar on right rotation

    I did a small research and I found something strange. I deleted the dismiss function so the volume dialog doesn't hide. What's interesting, on right rotation for some reason the volume dialog is not clickable, like a ghost. @Igor Eisberg Have you ever met with something similar? Bug on 0:26
  3. maksz

    MIUIdaemon - why not removing by

    I have been using adguard since the end of december which counts data usage for every app, and MIUIdaemon seems to not use internet connection at all, at least on my Max 3.
  4. maksz

    Invalid Bug in rom release description (every week)

    You are making problem out of nothing. It is debloated. No usless gapps which you can't uninstall. I wouldn't say that MiDrop is a bloatware. There is no chinese content and ads as in global.
  5. maksz

    Disable Wake Up On Fingerprint Sensor Touched

    Is it possible to disable wake up by touching fp sensor (no fp added) like it was in miui 9?
  6. maksz

    Invalid Copy/Paste dialog wrong language

    I don't know if this is a bug or not. The copy/paste dialog appears in a language of an app instead of the system.
  7. maksz

    Google Pay issue

    I found this on 1. Uninstall Google Pay and Magisk (if installed) 2. Delete Google Play services data in Settings> Management> (3 dots menu). Show system> Google Play services> Clear data> Memory> All data. 3. Make sure you have the "NFC Wallet with HCE" set in Settings> More...
  8. maksz

    Google Pay issue

    This is the note in changelog
  9. maksz

    Resolved Cant't use soundbar on right rotation

    @Igor Eisberg What can I do to help you find the bug (of course if this is not an official MIUI bug)? Maybe some logs?
  10. maksz

    Resolved Cant't use soundbar on right rotation

    Still present on 9.3.1
  11. maksz

    Bootlogo without 'unlocked'

    Is it possible to change bootlogo to one from a locked bootloader? I don't like that everyone know I have unlocked bootloader.
  12. maksz

    Invalid Rotate screen toggle button

    No, it doesn't. When you toggle the switch in settings on, the one in statusbar goes off and vice versa.
  13. maksz

    Invalid Rotate screen toggle button

    It's ok. This is 'lock rotation'. Maybe a translation mistake.
  14. maksz

    Face Unlock

    So on an unmodified software, phone shouldn't wake up by touching fingerprint sensor with any finger? Did I understand correctly? because my Max 3 wakes up when I touch fingerprint sensor without any fingerprint added (which is little annoying and I don't see any option to disable this).
  15. maksz

    Resolved Cant't use soundbar on right rotation

    Confirmed on my Max 3
  16. maksz

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    So I understand you have this issue too. Is that right?
  17. maksz

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    This issue is not related to dark mode.
  18. maksz

    Resolved AGPS Settings can't be accessed on 9.2.21

    Same on my Max 3
  19. maksz

    Resolved Mi8SE 9.2.21: black status bar in homescreen

    It's ok until you go to valut. Then it goes black again.
  20. maksz

    Resolved Mi8SE 9.2.21: black status bar in homescreen

    Of coure I'm using the default theme. Otherwise I wouldn't report it...