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    Redmi note 10 pro pre installed screen protector ?

    Hi everyone, I just got the redmi note 10 pro and I noticed that there is like a screen protector, very thin, with a hole on the front camera. I want to remove that to put a tempered glass screen protector but I'm effraid to harm the screen if that thing is not a added one, because it seems to...
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    Bluetooth track name display not working

    Thank you, updated mi music app via playstore solved the problem ,
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    Bluetooth track name display not working

    Hi everyone, I found a bug with my redmi note 7 ( miui 12 stable EU). When playing music mp3( miui music app) on Bluetooth on my car, the titles of the music only shows 1 sec when the tracks loads and then it shows unknown. Does anyone has an idea to fix it? Before it was showing all long and i...
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    New Mp3 tags on car radio player Bluetooth

    Hi everyone, I found a bug with my redmi note 7 ( miui 12 stable EU). When playing music mp3( miui music app) on Bluetooth on my car, the titles of the music only shows 1 sec when the tracks loads and then it shows unknown. Does anyone has an idea to fix it? Before it was showing all long and i...
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    My GPS stopped working

    Try GPS locker app on the playstore, be patient it works for me
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    Redmi note 7 lavender new UPDATE !

    No data use for the gallery on my device
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    Redmi note 7 lavender new UPDATE !

    I meant there's a problem with your phone, charging time didn't change since the update
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    Redmi note 7 lavender new UPDATE !

    No, there is something wrong on your phone, don't wait for the next update, try to fix it.
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    Redmi note 7 lavender new UPDATE !

    There is a problem charging time is the same for me since the update
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    Redmi note 7 lavender new UPDATE !

    Hi Flashed over 12.0.2 Everything is working. There is the new control center for the notification zone, I didn't like it but it's possible to disable it in the setting, what i did
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    Data loss / Mi-Account You can login using your phone number
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    Now it's miui 12
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    Network problem

    Maybe the fréquencies supported by your device don't match with your carrier.... Here is the redmi note 7 section , maybe you could try in the redmi 7 section
  14. O update...for lavender !

    To me everything is better than miui 11
  15. O update...for lavender !

    Maybe you can flash again the rom
  16. O update...for lavender !

    100 % working here
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    Downsides of MIUI 12 vs MIUI 11? What about battery?

    The last stable is very good
  18. O update...for lavender !

    It's all ok