Search results

  1. maxbass

    Stable V9 For Redmi Note 4 Mtk Nikel

    Ciao e grazie per la risposta, la proverò anche se l'ultima Dev va veramente bene (8.1.18) e consuma poco. In realtà aspettavo una Stable v9.3 per via del browser che è leggermente cambiato e mi piace molto ed altre piccolezze ma la batteria vince su tutto. Sappi che il Redmi note 4x con...
  2. maxbass

    Oreo On Mi Mix 2

    thanks for the reply but my problem is to know if it is possible to go in one-handed mode using gestures
  3. maxbass

    Oreo On Mi Mix 2

    Hello to all. Now that on Android 8 Mi Mix 2 we have gestures to not use the virtual keys as we use the one-handed mode? Thank you!
  4. maxbass

    New 8.1.11 V2 Rn4 Mtk

    I upgraded to V2 but the scanner still crashes :(
  5. maxbass

    Stable V9 For Redmi Note 4 Mtk Nikel

    Does anyone have any information on battery life with the Stable v9? THX!
  6. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    Into downloads page?! ;)
  7. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    Ok...i dont have many time for trying this but thanks in any case! :)
  8. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    how do you intend to reset? I did all the wipe and reinstalled but KLO bugreport stops ... i would like to uninstall bugreport but i do not know what it is and where it is :( .... ps: the message appears only when it turns off Thx
  9. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk Bugreport Crash

    please ... where do I find KLO bugreport to uninstall? THX a loro!
  10. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    please ... where do I find KLO bugreport to uninstall?
  11. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    in installed apps I can not find KLO BUGREPORT and before installing this rom i did all the wipe :(
  12. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    thank you but I do not find it ... what is it?
  13. maxbass

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    hello to all, I immediately set up the new Miui9 Xiaomi EU on my note 4 MTK ... very fast but I have a problem: Every now and then comes the message "Bugfix KLO application has stopped working" ... how can I fix it? I've already tried to rewrite the twipe wipe and reinstall but continue the...
  14. maxbass

    New Phone With Is It Worth Moving To The Official

    Probaly yes but need to unlock your bootloader first and install Twrp after
  15. maxbass


    you seem a little 'negative about updates;) ... bootloop happened to you? I changed several xiaomi hk and if you follow the step by step guide officers nothing happens!, etc. translate rom for countries not considered directly by en.miui according ... not in secret. So ... Do...
  16. maxbass


    1) quiet for your English, I use Google translate almost always. 2) Unlock and TWRP are two things separate and independent. 3) Unlock Official'll never get lost again on this device 4) TWRP takes to be agile in the backup and restore of the ROM and the data that interest you 5) Yes, if you make...
  17. maxbass

    Super Update For Miui Stabile?

    I do not think playing with 3D games, YouTube and chatting to can do 10 hours of heated screen and at the AOSP ROMs are stock roms whitout options that force you to use external apps ... MIUI is No. 1....and xiaomi is not xiaomi whitout MIUI Yesterday, with the latest MIUI 6:12:29, I did 7h...
  18. maxbass

    Super Update For Miui Stabile?

    10 hours of screen on if you use the phone seems a bit 'many ...
  19. maxbass


    hello, from what I know, and I think is correct, the global developer, china,, beta and have the same weekly rom with additions of European languages and clean the app and Chinese utilities. The Stable Rom are the result, in fact Stable, utilities, and changes try the developer.
  20. maxbass


    Non so niente della nuova stabile ma mi sono sentito un po' tradito dalla che ha un piccolo bug per quanto riguarda la giocabilità 3d (la caduta di un mito)... quindi (scusandomi su questo forum) visto che sono italiano ed è ancora più pulita dalle lingue ho installato la ... I...