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  1. Jamod

    Miui Gallery Service Wakelocks

    the gallery service *job*/ shows a cpu wakelock time about 10 minutes after 3 hours of standby. anyone know how to get that down? thats more than the qfp fingerprint wakelocks.
  2. Jamod

    MULTI 7.3.2

    no problems here.. mi5s 3/64
  3. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    should be gone after loading battery to 100%, if statistics not reset automatically do it manual.
  4. Jamod

    MULTI 7.3.2

    mi5s stays cold, battery drain from last two roms is gone.. great rom :)
  5. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

  6. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    yes a clean install might help. when theres some time i will do that and report. for now ill stick with 7.2.9. because it works well.
  7. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    i had big problems with 7.2.16 and 7.2.23 on mi5s. the battery drains fast as hell and the temperature is quite high when screen is on. don't know whats causing the problem. 7.2.9 was the last one that worked good for me.
  8. Jamod

    MULTI 7.2.23/24

    don' t know whats wrong with the last two roms. when you do something phone gets hot and kills the battery. do i have to wipe a cache or make some voodoo? mi5s 3/64. games also show it called judder? ..theyre not running smooth
  9. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    mmh disabling the service should not disable the fingerprint scanner, sometimes it takes a bit longer from standy to homescreen, maybe 2 seconds..
  10. Jamod

    MULTI 7.2.16/17

    heres a comparison. left part is 7.2.16, with the last loading on the right I switched back to 7.2.9. battery is much better. ill stick to 7.2.9.. mi5s 3/64
  11. Jamod

    MULTI 7.2.16/17

    so.. back to 7.2.9
  12. Jamod

    MULTI 7.2.16/17

    Battery is awful on mi5s 3/64. last night 8% usage instead of 2-3% with same settings. and when the screen is on just some browsing or using mediaplayer you can watch the percentage going doing very quickly. has the governor changed?
  13. Jamod

    MULTI 7.2.16/17

    something went terribly wrong with this rom. the mediaplayer tooks 25% in 30 minutes, thats crazy. mi5s 3/64
  14. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    no best battery lifetime stock was around 6.12.22. but with the new rom its also possible to beat the old ones. its all about some system services and useless apps.
  15. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    yes of course, the qfp wakelocks are not in the whole list anymore. after one day of use, android has going down to 3rd place in the battery usage list. but its also a far way to get all the other optimizations to a stable level. testing will take a lot of days.
  16. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    the battery is working good. i started with 100% in the evening after loading and ended with 98% in the morning, with 2 messengers and email syncing in backround, thats great. but i also had to set google play store and gallery from miui energy saving mode to close app to reach this. further i...
  17. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    yeah, please post your results tomorrow.
  18. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    i am still testing. it will take a while to check if there are unknown errors but for now the qfp wakelocks stopped.
  19. Jamod

    Qfp-service Battery Drain

    new update now with a "final" solution. i just uninstalled the qualcomm qti biometrics fingerprint service completely with a root uninstaller. the cpu wakelocks stopped immediately, fingerprint sensor is still working fine.
  20. Jamod

    MULTI 7.1.19/20

    now 1001 times.. thanks