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  1. ntlkr

    Strange battery behavior on Xiaomi 14 Pro

    I just got a notification from FKM for an idle drain of almost 10%/h over the last 24 hrs. So I had a look at my system battery monitor and saw this really strange behavior (see attached screenshot). The weirdest thing is, that the device was only charged twice in all that time, and from 22:00...
  2. ntlkr

    Detailed changelogs for MIUI/HyperOS updates

    I remember a chinese website that would upload detailed changelogs for every update xiaomi would release. Not just bullsht like "Improved system performance" but what exactly was actually changed. I cant remember the name or URL of the site though, and google also doesnt help because it's...
  3. ntlkr

    DEVs: will there be a beta ROM from

    Hello DEVs. First of all, I'm not asking for ETA. But since the HyperOS 2.0 beta ROMs are now live, are you considering to make versions of these beta builds aswell?
  4. ntlkr

    Customize the quick menu after unlock

    Is there a way to customize the icons and Apps/functions available in the quick actions menu that pops up after unlocking with fingerprint? Is there a setting that im missing? Or do I have to manually edit some values? My phone is rooted so no problem, I just couldn't find anything related to...
  5. ntlkr

    New Apps don't recognize Xiaomi 14 Pro

    Nothing big, but I have encountered that most apps that try to display the phone model don't recognize the Phone Name (most show "unknown" or "N/A"), although they do recognize the brand (Xiaomi) and they also recognize the model codename (shennong). I'm still on at learning about that stuff...
  6. ntlkr

    Where do we find official beta/dev ROMs?

    Just curious, what is the official source for the beta/dev ROMs from Xiaomi that weekly is based on? Where do you guys get them from?
  7. ntlkr

    Unlocking bootloader on global hyperos?

    Just to keep myself up to date, how do we unlock the bootloader of hyperos now? I mean on EEA devices that have stock hyperos (houji and aurora for now). Does it work with simply adding the account? Did they reactivate community unlock for those devices? Or is it still completely restricted and...
  8. ntlkr

    Paypal app crashes

    Ever since I installed ROM (Clean install from fastboot), my PayPal app crashes right at the moment when receiving the 2fa code for first login. Device: shennong, weekly ROM 24.3.4, rooted with magisk 27.0.0 All banking apps (including PayPal), and all Google apps including...
  9. ntlkr

    Making system partition RW

    Does anyone know how to mount the /system partition as RW while booted into system on shennong? (currently on latest twrp and 24.1.29DEV firmware) The integrated option in twrp fails, as the partition format is not supported. The RO2RW module causes a softbrick. Tried to use DFS as...
  10. ntlkr

    New Package installer fails to install any app.

    As you can see in my screenshot, the package installer always returns a parsing error because the "packageInfo is null". This happens when trying to install any APK, no matter what size or source. What confuses me most, is that built-in installers like in Google Files work well though. Any...
  11. ntlkr

    RCS Messages on ROM

    Hi Guys, Installed ROM and the Module for device integrity on Mi 14 Pro, and everything is working. Except RCS messages won't verify, just as in China ROM. My device is rooted but I already set all Google apps and services for root cloak in magisk. Is there anything we can do to...