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    MULTI 5.10.15/16

    On mi4c Im missing HIFI sound option in sound settings. Here is a screenshots of Chinese ROM: Is HIFI now enabled by default, since the setting is missing?
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    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    On Mi4c the screen of animation (crt off) doesnt work. Besides that small issue everything works great! The crt off animation didnt work on the ROM of last week and this week.
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    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    If I go from to Smiui, do I need a complete wipe (factory reset)? Or is this not necessary as Smiui is based on rom of
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    MULTI 5.5.15

    Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Allow on lockscreen (option is at the bottom)
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    MULTI 5.5.15

    I use rocket player as music app on my Xiaomi Mi2 32GB. For me the music always stutters only once after ~1 minute. This stutter is only for the first number played. I can live with only one stutter each time when I listen to music. The unified storage is awesome! I have no other issues. The rom...
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    MULTI 5.4.17

    On Mi2, I see now that we have the option to enable device encryption. Has anyone already tried device encryption on Mi2? Is the performance OK when using device encryption on Mi2?
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    MULTI 5.4.3

    Great release for mi2. Dolby sound effects also works again. Thank you!
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    MULTI 5.3.27

    Great ROM. Although Dolby digital plus is still broken on mi2s.
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    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v5 | AROMA |

    I can confirm the missed call LED also does not work for me. Beside that small issue it's a great rom. It runs really fluent.
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    [ROM | 4.4.4][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v5 | AROMA |

    If I go from Stock MIUI to WIUI. Can I use the MIUI backup manager to make a full backup first. Then flash WIUI on the phone. Then restore the backup to get back all my Apps and Settings and account info? Will this work?