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    MULTI 6.12.1

    Anyone having problems with camera focus in Kenzo? My camera is blurry and has some fc issues..
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    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Hi. recently bought a Redmi Note 3 Pro...already unlocked bootloader...installed twrp..(for that had to install global dev rom 6.5.19) but when trying to install this rom (6.5.26) via updater app had a verification failed error. So I guess I must install via twrp...right? Need any wipes? I...
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    [ultimate Guide] How To Unlock Bootloader, Root And Flash Recovery On Redmi Note 3

    Just like other guys here...I unlock the boatloader...flashed a dev rom...installed 2 versions of twrp with the same reboot to only show "plug usb cable to phone" / what did you do...? Cumprimentos
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    MULTI 6.2.18

    Yes they blink...but no led when sms, calls or whatsapp messages arrive.
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    MULTI 6.2.18

    I have no led notifications at all...(sms, whatsapp, etc) . The problem is not from this update but since the update to MM. No solution? (Cancro Mi3)
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    MULTI 6.1.21

    +1 here. Don't know how to solve that. Any help?
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    MULTI 5.5.8

    I already had 4 reboots in my Mi3 in just 2 days. The phone reboots by itself...never happened before in neither previous releases, don't know if it's my phone only.
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    P.s: Voice search has FC too.
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    Yes..i keep all apps updated in a daily basis. All other apps from google are ok (calendar, google play, inbox, note etc etc even the google now...the FC is when a use the search bar (the widget or inaide the google now). I already changed the language to english and it's the same thing...
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    It's updated.
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    Yes i google it...not using the google search bar. I don't understand why you are doing this...if you're tired to reply (in a rude way btw) to anyone that reports something, try fishing will not bother you. Yes, this is a good work and it's free..but without the reply and the...
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    How do i make a logcat?
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    MULTI 5.3.6

    I have a FC with the google search bar. The other apps from google are ok (using english) but google search bar has FC.
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    MULTI 4.11.21

    I have detected a bug...there's a force close when you try to change the alarm sound in the clock. Any solution for that?
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    MULTI 4.10.24

    have a big bug here with this update. In a call a can't listen anything unless i put the speaker on. No, it's not a hardware problem because before the update, few hours ago it was ok. Any clues? Help! Edit: solved. After each update the mikey app in chinese is deleted and instead the english...
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    MULTI 4.9.19

    Been having problems with the stock keyboard (and any others) with ghost touch...and the keyboard going crazy writing. Any advise / help? Been having this problems several releases ago....if i restart all ok...but after some time...all the same... :S Using ... Mi3 WCDMA
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    MULTI 4.8.29

    Zooming out worked. Thank you.
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    MULTI 4.8.29

    I think that a easy widget acess is not only for experts...
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    MULTI 4.8.29

    Widgets? Where are they? Tried to install another launcher but no launcher selection on display as on miui v5. Work to be done here...but if someone could help me i will be thankful....novice in miui v6 here...
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    MULTI 4.8.15

    La aplicacion en inglés tiene un bug que no bloquea el tlf, bajate la china del xiaomi market y esa si funciona, bloquea y desbloquea el tlf. No tengo problemas con lo demás.