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  1. J

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Looks like Ivan or someone from AOSP fixed Miracast.
  2. J

    [ROMs] [4.12.5] Android 5.0 Lollipop for Xiaomi Mi 2/2S by Ivan Download

    I have mic problem too, but i even don't hear other side. I'm from Czech Republic, T-Mobile network. Edit: solved, when even MIUI V6 didn't worked i have reflashed whole my phone using fastboot with files from package aries_images_4.11.7_4.1_cn_929b6ea8d0.tgz. Now it works.
  3. J

    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    If is CM12 too unstable, it's possible to port other ROM like aosp, nexus experience, omnirom?
  4. J

    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    I have tested this rom (1.12.2014) for 24 hours, i had problems with one wifi, connected but without connection and i had some problems with calls, two ougoing calls was deaf (they didn't hear me, i hear them).
  5. J

    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    To change cpu frequency for Mi2S i made small init script to run from init.d, but something rewrited this values so i used app boot shell. My script inspired by wajk:
  6. J

    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    M1cha: please think about merging data and sdcard partition to one partition like on nexus, kindle and other devices. /sdcard is mounted using some fuse to emulate permissions. I have this on my 8GB kindle fire (otterX) and kindle fire KFSOWI.
  7. J

    [ROMs] [4.12.5] Android 5.0 Lollipop for Xiaomi Mi 2/2S by Ivan Download

    Same problem with no free space, delete /system/app/GoogleHome/GoogleHome.apk .
  8. J

    [ROMs] [4.12.5] Android 5.0 Lollipop for Xiaomi Mi 2/2S by Ivan Download

    It looks like it doesn't protect from unlock in pocket by proximity sensor and calendar sync is broken. Edit: Wipe cache in recovery to fix calendar sync. To proximity lock i use set value of covered sensor to 5 and override...
  9. J

    [ROM][Official][4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 Nightlies for the Xiaomi MI2 (aries)

    Where is proximity sensor calibration? I didn't find anything in cwm and in dialer *#*#6484#*#* or *#*#64663#*#* didn't do anything. I have CM11 M10.