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  1. brumie

    MIUI 12.3 20.12.2

    Mi 10 umi fc when opening Sound and Vibration setting
  2. brumie

    MIUI 12.0 MIUI 12.0/12.1/12.2/12.5 STABLE RELEASE

    Dirty flash from EU MIUI 11 stable to 12 Mi9T Pro global Smooth like butter, battery as good as new Kudos to all team
  3. brumie


    Kudos to Team, dirty flash from 10.3x beta, working flawlessly on Mi 8, haven't facing any problem. What I did: Clean Dalvik+Cache on TWRP prior flashing. Flash Magisk Clean Apps Cache especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Services, Google apps, Google Keyboard an voila feels like a...
  4. brumie


    After half day testing, dirty flash and clean flash both have significant battery drain on Mi 8, several soft reboot by itself during intense game playing Tap Titans 2, lag and stuttering on scrolling Google Feed bridge and between switching application, I'm flashing back to 10.3.28. Keep it up...
  5. brumie

    MIUI 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 STABLE RELEASE

    Clean install on Mi Max, unable to get through provision, fc
  6. brumie


    Working flawlessly on Mi 8, fast and smooth like a butter. The only bug that I still experience is the "Double check for the gesture". Double slide doesn't work on games, accidentally slide once from the bottom screen will triggered home.
  7. brumie


    4 hours and still looking good, dirty flash Mi 8, thanks to the team
  8. brumie


  9. brumie

    8.12.6 v2

    Clear cache camera Remove faceID data and re-add Mine is working.
  10. brumie

    8.12.6 v2

    At last, OK Google is working on Mi 8 Thank you
  11. brumie


    Can anyone please test receiving file using Mi Drop on Mi 8? I keep getting logged out and crashed. Thanks. EDIT: Dirty flash causing this problem, clean install fixed the problem.