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  1. MiguelNdeCarvalho


    Hey man @ingbrzy , As always really good work man. I am trying to restore the backup of miui. It is taking so much time to restore it. It took at least 10 minutes to download iFont app and now it is stuck. Is it xiaomi server issue? Really thansk mate, MiguelNdeCarvalho
  2. MiguelNdeCarvalho

    Ota Is Not Working

    Redmi Note 3 Pro Enviado do meu Redmi Note 3 através de Tapatalk
  3. MiguelNdeCarvalho

    Ota Is Not Working

    Hey, Today I installed miui 7.10.19 and tried to use "Updater". It said that was in latest version. What is wrong? Thank you, Miguel de Carvalho Enviado do meu Redmi Note 3 através de Tapatalk