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  1. M

    Nougat Rpm

    Thanks @Taskman .. appreciated. BR J
  2. M

    Nougat Rpm

    Guys, I have recently updated to this ROM (latest stable ROM based what I read) To my surprise (and that why there's likely number 6 at the end) it's still base on MM Android. Is there stable ROM based on Nougat? Thanks for pointing me out. J...
  3. M

    Upgrade Rom To Nougat - Is That Fresh Install?

    Guys, do I understand correctly that while upgrading to Nougat (from Android v6 to v7) I will have clean installation and I'll have to reinstall all my apps? Is there a way, how to do backup of apps, settings, etc. so I have it restored after upgrade? Or is that manual, one by one app install...
  4. M

    New Google Phone App Not Showing Recent Calls List

    Hi, latest ROM on Xiaomi MIX. Original phone up works fine, yet Google Phone App showing no recent call list.. Can't post links (spam regulation).. so here you can find screenshots. photos/ZDFtFRgtZUAeMdYUA