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  1. jorvacf

    [HowTo] Install Fastboot image

    Solved. Thank you!
  2. jorvacf

    [HowTo] Install Fastboot image

    I ran the update script but it stays on "waiting for device" and nothing happens. I have enable the usb debbuging. Any advise?
  3. jorvacf


    Thank you very much
  4. jorvacf


    Hello, does anybody knows how to enable the backscreen in the mi 11 ultra, latest stable MIUI 13 ROM? Thanks
  5. jorvacf

    How To Change To China Theme Store?

    On last build 7.3.2 this guide didn´t works it gaves a bootloop :( I don´t know why
  6. jorvacf

    Tutorial: China Themer On Eu Rom Redmi 3s Prime

    Thanks bro, it worked on my Mi note 2 Regards
  7. jorvacf

    How To Change To China Theme Store?

    Nevermind, I found a solution here but I´m not able to post links If anybody is interesting here is the guide I am not responsible if you break or otherwise bootloop your phone. If you attempt this you should have the knowledge of how to fix any issues you encounter by trying this guide...
  8. jorvacf

    How To Change To China Theme Store?

    Hello all, Does anybody knows how to change to China theme store? These because there is more themes on China theme store. Thanks in advance
  9. jorvacf

    MULTI 7.2.9

    Hello all, Does anybody know how to change the theme store to the China one on mi note 2? In the defalult theme store I don´t see many themes as in China theme store. Thanks in advance Edit: Nevermind I foun the solution in the forum. By the way, thanks for the update guys!