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  1. thebignoob

    Preview Status Bar Music controls [ICS]

    Shameless Voxia plug.
  2. thebignoob

    MI-ONE usb driver

    I heard a rumor that it was going to be released when it gets out of beta.
  3. thebignoob

    forum/miuiandroid.apk for android phones? ????

    What exactly doesn't work?
  4. thebignoob

    forum/miuiandroid.apk for android phones? ????

    Don't rape my dropbox Not sure if it's up to date but I think that's right.
  5. thebignoob

    MI-ONE on cricket wireless?

    People from Chicago are so smart!
  6. thebignoob

    US Carrier that will support Xiaomi M1

    this Is exactly why the iPhone has issues on Tmobile.
  7. thebignoob

    US Carrier that will support Xiaomi M1

    Even though that is sound logic that's still incorrect. WCDMA really is just another word for UMTS which is much similar to that of GSM than that of EvDO 3G found on Sprint and VZW's 3G CDMA networks. You really need both frequencies (1700 and 2100) on the phone supported because without it...
  8. thebignoob

    blocked I.P, let me know what your IP address is so we can work to resolve this, thanks =D
  9. thebignoob

    US Carrier that will support Xiaomi M1

    The only reason why 3G works on your Droid X is because both Cricket and Verizon both use the same network technology, CDMA. It's not to difficult to convert a vzw to a lesser carrier, however it's not like you can get an AT&T iPhone to work on Sprint or VZW, it simply that they are two...
  10. thebignoob

    US Carrier that will support Xiaomi M1

    The bands of the Xiaomi M1 will only work with AT&T's bands, you could probably make calls and text on T-Mo, but 3G would be a no-go. Who's to say maybe they'll release a quad-band phone though?
  11. thebignoob

    No phone after 1.8.12 install. Help!

    I saw the thread title and thought it vanished, glad to hear it's fixed.
  12. thebignoob

    MI-One & MIUI greeting videos

    Here's an obvious hint: I'm from Chicago. My volume inbound was way loud, meh.
  13. thebignoob

    MI-One & MIUI greeting videos

    Oh crap they actually used my video, run for the hills...
  14. thebignoob

    Samsung Transform

    All of the MIUI Ports (unofficial builds) need a copy of cyanogenmod in order port over necessary libraries and other dependencies. If it gets that, and someone is feeling intrepid enough, then maybe you could see a MIUI port. I hope this helps, TBN
  15. thebignoob

    Why is MiTalk a system app?

    Or just remove it with root explorer, just call me old fashioned :P If you're going to remove it from the rom, be sure to remove it from the deodex Chinese rom AND the language pack if your phone uses that format. If everything is packaged into one file then just delete just the one.
  16. thebignoob

    Why is MiTalk a system app?

    MIUI isn't just a rom, it's a suite of apps, including miliao (MiTalk). If you have a working knowledge of adb you can do the following commands to remove MiTalk. adb remount adb shell cd system/app rm miliao.apk sync exit adb reboot Hope this helps TheBigNoob
  17. thebignoob

    Facebook Sync

  18. thebignoob

    The Future of MIUIandroid?

    Short Version: We're not going anywhere.
  19. thebignoob

    Miren Browser Can't COPY Text??? [Solved]

    I feel that he think's it's outdated because it's no longer called Miren browser, simply MIUI browser. It's included with the past 2 weeks releases by default. Nothing should have been gotten from the Market.
  20. thebignoob

    [1.8.5] WIFI problem on Dinc

    Hey dudes go check out the ROM thread I just posted here. It has a link to the wifi fix. Somehow I forgot to include the driver this week (doh!)