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  1. ExDuelist

    New 8.8.16 kills calendar and clock stock icons (Redmi 4X Santoni)

    as title says, i had to apply a 3rd party theme to make them appear, anyway if you switch back to stock theme they disappear again.
  2. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    updated to 8.8.3, this bug was corrected
  3. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    updated to 8.7.26, none of the current bugs have been corrected. :emoji_thumbsdown:
  4. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    First post improved, let's make this the main Santoni feedback thread for Xiaomi.EU Rom!
  5. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    Have faith, keep this thread up, they will fix it eventually, together with all the other bugs and lacking features.
  6. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    Nope, white only. It was a Xiaomi design choice, the models produced until June 2017 got a hardware rgb led but were keeped white only. Also, from July 2017 they produced Redmi 4X with hardware white led only, removing the rgb one of the first models.
  7. ExDuelist

    New XIAOMI.EU Rom on Redmi 4X Santoni [GENERAL FEEDBACK + TWRP & ROOT]

    Hello there. I recently updated my Santoni device from Official Global Stable to with newest MIUI 10, works great so far (fast as lightning), anyway i feel the need to see some bugs corrected and various addons and modifications that would definitely improve the general functionality...