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  1. P

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    Please replace fstab.qcom in further releases by the one from China rom. It enables data encryption, which is now broken in
  2. P

    MIUI 10 8.7.26

    1. Redmi 6 pro has dual main camera. So the portrait mode doesn't have to be "AI". 2. It DOES work in China developer rom. 3. Front camera portrait mode works, so your rom obviously doesn't handle the dual cam hardware. 4. The problem isn't the camera app (tried the app from China rom)
  3. P

    New Redmi 6 pro portrait mode crash

    8.7.12-8.7.26 camera app crashes when switching main cam to portrait mode.
  4. P

    New Data encryption bug

  5. P

    New Data encryption bug

    Rom doesn't encrypt data on some devices in recent releases. Solution is to replace fstab.qcom file at vendor/etc folder by the one from Chinese stable Rom. Please fix at further releases. Mi6 and mix 2s confirmed.