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  1. D

    Rom support for Note 12 pro 5g (ruby)?

    You need to unlock OEM to flash new one (enter developer mode). I don't think there is custom ROM ( for now and no TWRP. You have App called HyperOs Downloader that has many information on your ROM and how to flash new one.
  2. D

    Joyuse Widewine L1 MIUI 13

    Jesi li probao očistiti cashe? Iz recovery-a
  3. D

    Joyeuse a12 rom?

    I think they released rom for joyeuse few days ago, but I haven't tried it.
  4. D

    Downgrade from (Android 12) to (Android 11)

    I don't think you can downgrade as it has some lock mechanism