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  1. S

    MIUI 10 9.1.24/26

    Finally no problems with APN and mobile data transmission on my Mi6 :D
  2. S

    MIUI 10 9.1.1/2/3

    Another ROM where mobile internet stops working on my Mi6 :/
  3. S

    MIUI 10 8.12.27

    I did. I also tried other sim cards with the same effect. Mobile transmission is sometimes present for about a minute after restarting the phone but its speed is very low. I have also received several e-mail notifications even though there is no apparent internet connection. I try every weekly...
  4. S

    MIUI 10 8.12.27

    Mobile data transmission doesn't work on any of 8.12.x ROMs on my Mi6. There is no such problem with earlier versions (I have downgraded to 8.11.29)