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  1. L

    [GUIDE][venus|star|mars] How to install ROM for Xiaomi MI11 / Pro / Ultra

    Just disabled Google assistant and rebooted and it does not help. Same problem. First dial automatically disconnected and message call ended. When I had Chinese ROM it all worked well
  2. L

    [GUIDE][venus|star|mars] How to install ROM for Xiaomi MI11 / Pro / Ultra

    Hi . I have a Xiaomi 11 China version. I installed via fastboot several ROMs and currently I have 21.2.25. I have just one annoying problem. When I make a call it ends with message call ended. When I redial it all works. Help?
  3. L

    New Xiaomi mi 11 can version call ended

    Hi. I have a Chinese mi 11. Flashed 12.5 build latest I believe 2.25. When ever I try to make a call I get call ended and when I try for the second time it works,I reset and cleared all data Frome phone service app. Does anyone now's where is the problem?