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  1. Dragonithe

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hey Andy, When i try to use the overscroll glow in the app, nothing changes. Bouncing works fine btw. HTC Desire, 1-10-14-modv2
  2. Dragonithe

    [CONCEPT] MIUI Appdrawer

    That's sweet! Something I would personalty like to have added to miui is a sense like app list in the notification area. (this is the best picture I could find of it
  3. Dragonithe

    Miui Lovers!!! **1 Thing you hate about Miui Rom that you would like fixed??**

    What I would like is that facebook birthday's are integrated into the calendar, like HTC does.
  4. Dragonithe

    What would you change/add ?

    For the gingerbread rom the option to have popups apear in stock -style, not the drop down menu we have now.
  5. Dragonithe

    MIUI-DEV WEATHER Help & Support

    Got it working and it's great!! However, please include in a future version the ability to use Celsius and kilometers, that would make it perfect!
  6. Dragonithe

    Would you consider paying for the MIUI Weather app if it was made available?

    If this will be availeble in the market for like 1 or 2 bucks. Will it also work on non- miui phones?
  7. Dragonithe

    honeycome music with miui....

    I got it to work, and I really like it for some reason. Maybe it's because it got just enough features to make it a nice experience whit-out looking to bloated.
  8. Dragonithe

    MIUI 0.12.24 Dutch Language Pack 0.2

    zet hem op :) Ik kan ook niet wachten :p
  9. Dragonithe

    New search feature

    Is there also a way to make the new search popup browse your apps?
  10. Dragonithe

    Gallery pulling all sorts of files

    I think the gallery just looks for all the image files on your sd card. The only solution i know for this is to put a .nomedia file where you don't want it to pull your files.
  11. Dragonithe

    Miui 0.12.18 Dutch language pack #Beta 0.1

    yea I know, but at least you take English as base and not Chinese :p
  12. Dragonithe

    Miui 0.12.18 Dutch language pack #Beta 0.1

    Yeaay, Dutch + Miui = totally awesome :p