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  1. O

    Hi share your rear screen theme

    Turn your phone upside down and plug it in :) . Won't appear for long, but should appear.
  2. O

    [GUIDE][venus|star|mars] How to install ROM for Xiaomi MI11 / Pro / Ultra

    Followed these instructions and successfully flashed from 12.5.2 (CN) to 12.5.3 (.EU). Thanks very much for sharing (and thanks very much to Dev team - ROM is great!)
  3. O

    [GUIDE][venus|star|mars] How to install ROM for Xiaomi MI11 / Pro / Ultra

    Has any brave soul had any success with flashing from CN 12.5.2 to Global 12.0.1 as yet (in order to then flash with 12.5.2 EU)? I noted that ADB Fastboot tool includes an option to disable rollback protection, so it looks like it should be possible, but I've not tried yet.