Well, it's 10 days later and the battery is working as expected! So, touch wood, it looks like it fixed it. Considering that's the first time I've done a factory reset in the two years I've had the phone, I'm thinking that's pretty good going! :)
Just a note to say I bit the bullet and did a factory reset on my phone finally. After 287 hours*, I've finally re-installed and re-logged into everything again and am pleased to report it's fixed the battery drain. Phone seems to be useable again and working as expected! Thanks for the nudge I...
Dang. I was leaving that as a last resort. I'm trying to figure out how to save everything and then have to set up everything again! lol
Thanks! I think. :)
Sorry to revive a (slightly old) thread, but I'm having this exact same issue on MIUI 14 on a Redmi Note 10. I got this phone about 2 years ago due to it's amazing battery life and now it barely lasts 6 hours when I'm at my desk - much less using it while I'm out!
I've done all the normal...